Does anyone else have difficulty dealing with some of the suppliers? Im new to this, but i ordered from seedsman and although tgere was a delay paying with zelle it eventually arrived and all has gone well. I placed a 2nd order and after several days the order info stated that that was out of stock. Another delay waiting for response. It was agreed that i would let them choise a replacement. Then the site shows i need to pay 18 more dollars on top of the 43 already pd. So i thought must be an upgrade. So i pd it. Then realized i pd for shipping and insurance twice. Finally they emailed me asking me to select a strain. They were supposed to do that. Been 3-4 days more and no answer. Also the latest zelle pmt hasnt gone thru. Meanwhile i attempted an order from, opted for bank tranfer after realizing they dont take cards yet. Dont know what various numbers or info to enter. Registered for membership then couldnt log in. Think my order was deleted but noone has told me that. I replied to their confirmation email and have not gotten a reply