Seed help


New Member
I am a very new poster here, but a long time reader. I have gained much from reading these boards. For that I thank you all.

First let me tell you about me. I am 47 and I grew up in Socal back in the 70's I grew gold and mostly Sativa strains with out much sucess. It ended up seeded and I never cured properly (very harsh smoke) it was the typical home grown of the day.

I now live in the North East and have grown kids, so I decided to try my hand again. This time a grow on some vacant fields a hour or so away. The strains were Early Misty from AMS and White widow also from AMS.

I wont go into the whole grow just that it was organic and came out wonderfully!:yummy: I also took some plants and bred them away from the others to have seeds for next year. Misty to misty and widow to widow no crossing.

My question is will these seeds be of any quality? Should I try to grow them? And should I grow them to select mothers from this winter? I have cloned before and thought I would give this a try to minimize the males. Thanks for the time of day.
The quality of the seeds shouldnt be a problem. What i would be more concerned with is the stability of the seeds. This all depends upon the stability of the parents. If both strains are predominantly homozygous then they will be stable and will not have many different phenotypes. Did you notice many phenotypes with the plants you grew of the same variety this year?

If the plants are homozygous and you bred within strains, then the seeds should be just as good as the seeds you bought, only better cause you grew them.

If the plants had different phenos, then your seeds will have different phenos, possibly to greater extremes than you saw in your plants.

Hope this helps.
It certainly does help. The plants were very uniform, is that the same? The males were a bit more leggy but other that that the females had the same leaf shape size ect. I bred using the fattest thickest male. It was a close call but one had a bit more busyness. In both cases.
Throck: If the plants were very uniform you had a stable strain, hence next yrs seeds will be very similar to this years.

Males are always a bit more leggy and normally develop slightly quicker early on, hence normally your 'best' plants turn out to be male.

Good luck with the seeds.

I just got some serious seeds AK47 and Nirvana AK48 seeds to go with my Strawberry Cough, WW and Morning Glory. Hopefully they are uniform as my intent is to do a couple of runs with male/female to get a ton of seeds first. I am playing with Gibberelic acid at the moment to see if i can make female seeds from forcing females to make male flowers (NOT hermies). If it works it means i can sacrifice a clone of 'keeper' plants for seed production, hence making 10s of female keeper seeds.

Hybrid Vigour
The only setback with uniform seeds is that the plants are homozygous for all traits, even bad ones which came with the good ones.

(b) is resessive meaning you need to get it from both parents and be (b)(b) to show trait, where as (B) is dominant meaning you only need one gene to show traint, i.e. (b)(B), (B)(b) and (B)(B) all show same trait.

Think of it this way...
for a child to get blue eyes he needs to inherit genes (b) from mum and (b) from dad to become (b)(b). Blue eyes are cool, but close to them on the chromosome is (c) for weak bones, so he may get (b) from mum and dad but there is also a higher than normal chance he would get (c)(c) too. (you with me).

Basically hybrids have a mix of the homozygous traits from both parents and there is more chance of getting hybrid vigour due to having (C)(c) or (C)(C) rather than (c)(c).

What i am getting at is that next yr it might be worth crossing your strains then growing A, B and AxB the year after. I bet AxB would give better yeild, but you couldnt breed AxB as this would result in non uniform plants from the seed. (so you would need to keep A, B seeds too so you can keep making AxB.
Hi Guys,
You asked if you should grow some this winter and look for a mother. Yes sir, some will be much better than others. You ever spend big bucks for a pack of seed, grow them out and some plants rock and some are poop? Yeh, I have too. So grow some out this winter, pick the best one for a mother and you can hold it for years if you want. Root some clones for spring and plant plants instead of seeds.This will insure a excellent crop to harvest.
Thanks for the advice. I did want to mention to Jamahl, that thinking back on it, there was one seedling that was a mutant. It had odd shaped leaves and they only had 3 fingers on the leafs. I yanked it after about a month of this before I took the seedlings outside. I was afraid it had radiation poisoning.

So was this an example of a diffrent phenotype or was it just oddly formed?

As an aside, I find the Early misty a bit to narcotic. A couple of hits on this, which tastes a bit hashy, will couch lock me for the night. Any suggestions on a good strain for outside that would be a bit more uplifting?
The quality of the seeds shouldnt be a problem. What i would be more concerned with is the stability of the seeds. This all depends upon the stability of the parents. If both strains are predominantly homozygous then they will be stable and will not have many different phenotypes. Did you notice many phenotypes with the plants you grew of the same variety this year?

If the plants are homozygous and you bred within strains, then the seeds should be just as good as the seeds you bought, only better cause you grew them.

If the plants had different phenos, then your seeds will have different phenos, possibly to greater extremes than you saw in your plants.

Hope this helps.
Exactly. The seeds will be less stable and may have a tendency to hermie on you

And yes the differences in phenotypes is defintely something to consider.
Not all plants are exactly the same.
You are best, like buddy said ,to take the winter and look over the best strains for your area.

What i did last year and what i will do this year is see what strains grow best in my area. This year was the worst ever yet for my area in 17 years. I actually dug up 11 of my plants and brought them inside to finish which was really good cause they rest got ripped off.

I saved the best ones and they are still not finished flowering and probably need another three weeks.

All of my choices are 8 to 9 week flowerers for next year

BC Godbud
BC Mango
Original Blueberry
OG Kush

I have grown some of these outside but what i am doing is looking for my strongest short seasoned strains. I'd like to grow the biggest best mothers as i am allowed to have six legal outdoor plants for outdoors only.
Chocolope is the bomb but I bit sensitive for outdoors.

Good luck with your choices:popcorn:
Thanks for the advice. I did want to mention to Jamahl, that thinking back on it, there was one seedling that was a mutant. It had odd shaped leaves and they only had 3 fingers on the leafs. I yanked it after about a month of this before I took the seedlings outside. I was afraid it had radiation poisoning.

So was this an example of a diffrent phenotype or was it just oddly formed?

As an aside, I find the Early misty a bit to narcotic. A couple of hits on this, which tastes a bit hashy, will couch lock me for the night. Any suggestions on a good strain for outside that would be a bit more uplifting?

The deformed plant is just that. It is a Mutant. Off it.
Early misty sounds good! But you want less narcotic, try Cinderella 99 or Pure Power Plant. :peace:
cocoJoe is right next year you should try to start from cuttings not only becuse you know what your in for but also you can hold on to the mothers for some time.As far as a new strain to work with outside i like durban poison from dutch passion but for the north east i like the head sensi earl pearl gives you uplifting high good body buzz and it is finished by end of september.
cocoJoe is right next year you should try to start from cuttings not only becuse you know what your in for but also you can hold on to the mothers for some time.As far as a new strain to work with outside i like durban poison from dutch passion but for the north east i like the head sensi earl pearl gives you uplifting high good body buzz and it is finished by end of september.

Thanks to all of you, for your great advice. I will use clones for the transplants this spring. And I was looking into the Earl pearl, also purple power plant. Has anyone tried this outside? And the write up says it really reacts to the cool and cold of the northern climate that I am in.:thanks:
Hi Again, I want to add to the PPP thumbs up. This is strong bud! I have grown and enjoyed this one. It also gave me a respectable yield. :peace:
I suggest to start with Northern Lights #5....

It is a very stable and very easy to clone and grow...It's been around for a long time.

It has a strong high that last a long time..........

A great beginners or pro strain to grow...produces well, very resiny buds.......
Now I have read that Marijuana will revert to a long leggy hemp type plant if exposed to a natural habitat. I just don't know what to think on breeding. But I am almost sure that I am out of my depth, and the water is over my head!
I am almost sure that I should buy established seeds and clone from those mothers. Back in the 70's we all thought generational weed was the answer. Get killer Gold seeds and continue to grow them in the Socal climate. Eventually they would be killer weed up there too.

I now know that I must throw out all of those ways of thinking. I just wish that I had those old seeds that we all threw out back then( Bags were half full of seeds and still killer shit!). That weed was superior to any that is around now. Sure we had dirt weed back then but when we got hold of the true gold or Hawaiian it was far and away better than the weed of today!
BTW where can one find the old school genetics? And why was it gold colored instead of the greens and reds of today?:thanks:
It had to do with the way it was cured.I think it had to do with the sun bleaching the bud's.As far as old school gentics go it seems everything is a hybred these days and true in bread lines are in danger of being pushed out.Now in south america,where the best smoke was from,thay are now growing with dutch genetic's.
It had to do with the way it was cured.I think it had to do with the sun bleaching the bud's.As far as old school gentics go it seems everything is a hybred these days and true in bread lines are in danger of being pushed out.Now in south america,where the best smoke was from,thay are now growing with dutch genetic's.

That my friend is truly sad. These Dutch, breed off of Skunk #1. That weed is the stuff that killed our old Thai, Colombian and maui wowie. I hope someone saved those genetics. That was the weed of all time and I know that that for a fact! All of the claims of this weed is 20% or that weed is 15%thc is all bullshit. There has been great weed for 40 years if not longer.

I hate to read of these people that say pot is stronger today and better than your parents pot. It simply is not true.

I only wish I could share the old weed with all of you. It tasted so wonderful and we called it Expando weed. It would burst your lungs! Are head rushes a thing of the past? Cause that weed gave us a head rush.

Come on old California tokers from the 70's where are you? Can I get an amen?

I understand that, "it is what it is" (hate that saying) today. If I want to grow outside then I will have to grow some plant that has quite a bit of Indica in it. I do get it. In my day indica was hash and Sativa was weed. I just wanna grow something close outside. So ppp and a few others will work this next year.

So help an old stoner out, 42 almost 43 north and outside. If nothing will do I will grow inside and go the 14 weeks if nessesary. :peace:
Also my first frost is around mid September. If we are lucky we have a great fall and it would be a hard frost in early October with a killing frost in mid October. I am near a very large river that tempers our fall temps.
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