seed harvest


Well-Known Member
Everytime I do a few seeds I seem to harvest too early and only get a few viable seeds, and a bunch of hollow green shells. I guess I'm too anxious to get the seeds, and not sacrifice the bud to get them.


Am I just too impatient?

What's the best way to to tell when the beans are ready?
When I would make seeds, it seemed that the seeds would grow in the calyx until it peeked open a little and you could see a little brown seed getting ready to either jump out or drop.

I think that when they all look brown a little that you can see....then wait another week or two.
I would either grow for seed specifically or grow just for bud.

The seeds will suffer in quality if you are still after the buds, and vice versa.
dude, what you should do, is wait for it burst with a flower, then you know its A. over ripe and i wouldnt smoke it, B.fully mature seeds :D theres a picture and an explination somewhere on here.

its a grow journal, and its a F1 i believe.
Males express sex first. Seperate males from females when they grow balls, then collect the pollen in a baggie and use a model airplane paintbrush to "paint" pollen onto the female buds as soon as they form.

Seeds from different strains take different lengths of time to mature. I've had some plants make seeds in under 3 weeks from time of pollination to fully ripe and viable. Some take up to 6 weeks.

Often an unpollinated female plant will grow false calyx's. They look exactly like seed pods but are hollow. You can determine what is what by simply giving a calyx or 2 a squeeze.
g1 rd, couldnt have explained it better, however i do reccomend checkin out that grow journal, take the time to look through em, it will be worth it.
I would sugest doing what RD says, but "painting" the lower bud sites. You can still harvest the main cola when it's ready and let the lower, polinated sites mature till you see the seeds pop out.
Dank, I'd like to see that journal too, but you're going to have to be a bit more specific. There are a ton of journals man.
cool, thanks, too bad PJ's not around any more. I was really looking forward to the results of that soil comparison grow he started.
nay problem, anytime i can help, i do, why i dunno u ungrateful bastards lol, kidding. i want your rep points :DDDDDDDD no actually i dont cuz iam stoned and dont know what my fingers are typing as iam not looking at the monitor cuz of hot half naked chicks on t.v. wow, i love swimsuits that are painted on.......iam done.
DankCloset said:
u ungrateful bastards lol, kidding. cuz of hot half naked chicks on t.v. wow, i love swimsuits that are painted on...
You're a very amusing pervert LOL :cool: I appreciate all your help man. :adore: What do rep points get you?
dude i have no clue, its starting to irritate me cuz everytime i log on, i look at it and think about it for a minute until my head hurts, then i move on to the growing section. lol
LOL. I don't even know where to look. Not that I would anyway. Couldn't really care less. If I had any, they'd probably be in the negative number though LOL.
As a general guideline.. it takes 4-6 weeks from the time the female is pollinated for the seeds to be mature. If you leave the seeds longer it won't hurt - only help make them viable sooner. (Fresh seeds have a very low germ rate - only 2/10 will crack within the first 2 weeks of being harvested off the mother plant)

madamecrash said:
(Fresh seeds have a very low germ rate - only 2/10 will crack within the first 2 weeks of being harvested off the mother plant)

The reason that is-
Seeds are "born" with a tiny bit of moisture inside. The seed won't sprout as long as that moisture remains.
This is a survival technique.
When cannabis exists in the wild, the plants dies and falls over around Nov./Dec., which causes some of the seeds to spill onto the ground.
If they sprouted right away, the plants would die because it's December. They need a way to prevent germination for 4 or so months.
This moisture in the seed prevents the seeds from germinating.
It's not hard however to draw this moisture out. Put them in a tight sealing container with a couple of those silica sacks you find in medicine.

Seeds are very interesting. The seeds of some plants won't germinate until exposed to a heat source of over 150F, which only occurs during a fire. When the authorities decieded to let the forest fires rage in Yellowstone about a dozen years ago, the next spring they saw plants no one could recall ever seeing before. Because they only occur after a fire, and people have been fighting fires there for a long time. The seeds for those plants lay dormant on the ground for 50 years. Still alive with that spark of life inside.
When I first started hiking, I wondered how yucca's, which has seeds to large to be carried around by wind, could grow near the top of ridges. When yucca's die they fall over and spill their seeds on the ground, Many yucca's grow on slopes and all those seeds wash down in the winter rains.
Animals bring them up there, in their gut. Animals eat the yucca seeds and they pass through the animal unharmed. When the animal craps, the seed come out and already have a source of nutrition--the animals' shit.
There are other seeds that will not sprout unless passed through an animal.
Like banana's. Banana's have seeds and when a monkey or other mammal eats them, they often germinate inside the animal. When they come out in the animals shit, they're already sprouting and again they have a souce of nutrition. The more bananas that are eaten, the more banana's there will be the next year.
The most expensive, rarest coffee in the world comes from somewhere in Indonesia. The coffee seeds are eaten by animals that resemble weasels. The now husked beans come out the other end. The native's collect these seeds and after washing them use them to make coffee for themselves.
One day an outsider tasted this coffee and judged it the best coffee he ever had. Word spread and this coffee, understandably in limited supply, goes for up to $500/pound.
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