Seed germination

in my humble opinion.. paper towels. Yes we rely on them everyday but if you‘ve ever driven by a pulp mill it’s pretty foul and toxic. I know many bean suppliers suggest germing in paper towels but personally I wouldn’t let my beans near them.

Using tweezers to pull seed casing is pretty rough handling. Again anything done with seedling tails must be done sterile clean and very gentle.

Yes soaking for 24 hours and planting them in the media saves a step but more importantly…Why should my beans choke on a damp, half toxic paper towel for a day or 3 only to be plucked up from its attachment and then transplanted into the media?

Wouldn’t it be better for them to dangle their toes in seed starter soil mix & mycos from get-go? Whether it’s dwc, clay pebbles, rockwool, coco or soil get them in your preferred media as soon as possible

I roll my beans in dry great white powder and let them sit for a day, soak them in great white / water mix for 24 hours, then plant 1/4 inch deep directly in seed starter soil with more great white added to the seed hole. Place on heat mat and cover with tin foil. As soon as I see movement the foil comes off and goes under cfl or T5 light.

sure helmet heads occur periodically but if the seed has pushed its way up thru the soil then the helmet halves should be loosened and if it still doesn’t fall off naturally it can be loosened with a few drops from pipetter. I don’t want tweezers in my garden for helmet heads, my eyes are not that great and I’m not very steady handed. I’d much rather coax a shell off with water and toothpick if I must....

anywho it’s cool and we all learned different methods, but getting away from paper and going towards early mycos uptake in your chosen media is the answer in my book

best of luck - keep us posted on your progress!
Yes soaking for 24 hours and planting them in the media saves a step but more importantly…Why should my beans choke on a damp, half toxic paper towel for a day or 3 only to be plucked up from its attachment and then transplanted into the media?
And when it is plucked out of the paper towel there is the risk of breaking the root. There is an even greater chance that the small almost invisible hair roots have grown into and between the fibers of paper are being ripped off. The tap root has to regrow those.
And when it is plucked out of the paper towel there is the risk of breaking the root. There is an even greater chance that the small almost invisible hair roots have grown into and between the fibers of paper are being ripped off. The tap root has to regrow those.
Then again, when done properly it works perfectly. Here, here!
paper towel needs to be wet. Germination can take up to a week or more. I'd say give them time.

And here, with a few exceptions, I've been averaging 24 to 48 hours for most seeds. Have I just been extremely lucky? Same germination technique as well.
And when it is plucked out of the paper towel there is the risk of breaking the root. There is an even greater chance that the small almost invisible hair roots have grown into and between the fibers of paper are being ripped off. The tap root has to regrow those.

If you are really paranoid about root damage (haven't experienced it yet myself, and towel technique is what I use for everything), you can safely plant the bit of the towel the root is sticking to instead of trying to carefully lift the sprout from the towel.
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