SE Roanoke Warehouse May Have Served As A Stash House For Marijuana

Herb Fellow

New Member
The old warehouse that caught fire in southeast Roanoke Thursday night may have served as a stash house for marijuana, apart from the many legitimate businesses there. The building at Eighth and Church has been boarded up and declared "structurally unsound."

City police filed the affidavit Monday for a search warrant they executed Friday, after finding what they described as "a large quantity of green leafy substance" in a freezer. Police obtained the warrant so they could get into a locked refrigerator below the freezer.

Last week's fire produced an estimated $73,000 loss to the building, plus untold damage to personal property inside. Fire officials say the cause is "unknown," so far, and may never be determined.

Source: WDBJ7
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Website: WDBJ7 Roanoke News and Weather NRV Lynchburg Danville | SE Roanoke warehouse may have served as a stash house for marijuana
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