Screens - Brass or Stainless


New Member
I have seen a variety of answers to the above question across various web sites and including 420M. So, I went to Wikipedia to see if they had any light to shed on the subject. Especially concerning the question as to whether Brass has any lead content and the danger from such an alloy.

Wikipedia noted that many Brass mixtures can vary wildly and can include metals that are not actually true Brass. The article noted that many Brass alloys also do contain lead with concentrations up to 2%. The article discussed technical details of how the metals merge and that the lead can present a greater surface area of exposure when later worked through a manufacturing process resulting in significant leeching. It noted that key manufacturers in California were threatened with action by the state because the state determined that handling Brass keys twice a day exposes CA. citizens to exposures of lead greater than allowed under current FDA regulations.

How can Brass be allowed to be sold as pipe screens given the information above. The Wiki article includes numerous references for the information it contains. I invite readers to visit the Wiki site and judge for themselves the information contained under BRASS.

Personally, I do not believe any agency is validating the lead levels contained in pipe screens. Plus, how do you know whether the pipe screen you are smoking out of was manufactured in the US to US standards or whether it was made in some other country with zero regulations.

No more Brass screens for me!!!!!!!!!!
Glass is really much better than metal pipes.... also, cant go wrong with some good old papers..
Absolutely agree with both Icemud and Surf.. What is concerning is that if you search for pipe screens at the first 5 out 6 products are Brass screens. Without more info out discussing the possible negative health issues around Brass screens many people will use them.
I overuse pipe screens so much and get them so hot that I inhale about half of each one I put in. I sometimes wonder how much arsenic I toke up when I look at the burnt hole in the middle of one..... :cough:

you should switch more often! thats not good for you
I've been using brass screens I bought several years ago, and I've always noticed the flavor go way bad on the last hit or two, like you are sucking on an old shoe or something.
Well, I was almost out and ordered some stainless steel screens. To my delight, the bad tasting final hit now tastes normal.
No more brass for my ass! :cough:
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