Concrete Seed

New Member
Hey everyone! Hope this finds you in good spirits! Here is a pic of my new SCOG-Setup. I had extra space in my tent so I figured I'd set me up another "Pepsi-Challenge"!!! Haha! Anyway, This was made from PVC-pipe and regular white cotton string. It was alot easier and its alot more sturdy then the ones sold at the Hydro-Shops. This particular "model" actually folds flat so you can store it easily. (Sound like an infomercial yet!? lmao)

There are x3 different strains in the SCOG setup (Skunk#1, Gforce & Grape-Ape)

Hey guys, quick update for this Journal. I'll keep it short&sweet by saying that I rely on growing as a HUGE stress-reliever and hoped to share my passion w/ others, however, when it becomes stressful (or just not worth it) there's no point in doing it anymore. I will continue to grow and learn but I will no longer be sharing it, and that truly sucks. It was an absolute blast while it lasted & I *REALLY*, *REALLY* appreciate those of you that I had the pleasure of interacting with and xtra props to anyone who subscribed to the journal! I genuinely apologize you won't see the finished results do to this. I hope this finds you in the best of spirits and wish the best for all of you & your grows!

As usual, Stay safe and CHEERS!!!
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