Schweitzer to Decide on Medical Marijuana Repeal

Jacob Bell

New Member
LAKESIDE- A House Committee bill that would cut the number of marijuana users by more than 90% is still sitting on Governor Brian Schweitzer's desk and as of Saturday, he had one week left to make a decision on it.

Schweitzer faces several options with the repeal bill: sign it and make it a law, veto it, or send an amendatory veto back to the legislature, changing some its language.

Governor Schweitzer said he is still weighing out these options, and hasn't decided on any of them yet. He added that he is waiting to see if another bill, dealing with medical marijuana, will arrive on his desk in the next week.

Though unsure of his decision at this point, Schweitzer believes there is a genuine need for cannabis by some of Montana's cardholders.

"If there are people that are legitimately helped by marijuana and I think there are some like that, I don't want to take this care away from them. So we want to make sure that we tighten these rules up, so that the people who really need the medical cannabis are getting it, and the people who are recreational users won't." He said.

The Governor has ten days to take action after a bill arrives on his desk. The repeal bill will automatically become a law without Schweitzer's signature, if he decides not to take action within those ten days.

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Author: Laura Wilson
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Website: Schweitzer to decide on medical marijuana repeal
It's either government prohibition or the people like what's so hard to decide.
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