Save the stems!


New Member
Okay, because of certain circumstances beyond my control bud is gonna be a little hard to come by this summer so chances are I've got a sober summer weed wise. However, I found cool little trick to get me stoned one last time.

I had some stems left over from before and I put them in my grinder which has a kief screen in it. I ground up my stems for awhile and then threw away the ground up stem part since that wasn't what I was looking for. Opened up the kief catcher and was able to pack the kief into full bowl with a little help from some crumbs. Worked like a charm and got really stoned.

So make sure you save your stems, unless you never have a dry period. Me I'm looking at a 2 to 3 monther now.
CherryEyed said:
Anyone else ever heard of chewing on stems?

yeahhhh one of my friends she alwayssss chews on the stem and then like eats it or i dunno what she does with it but whenever we pack a bowl and gonna throw the stems away sheee gets all happy and wants them!!! ahhh now i ccc why she always wants them!! ticky
CherryEyed said:
What, may I ask, are the circumstances beyond your control that are causing you to grind stems up for their keif?

Well I knew for sure the would be some trichromes on the stems. This summer I'll be away working at camp and there is no weed. I only had enough stems for one last hurrah and its definatly better than scraping resin.
i always chew on the stems only cuz they're tasty i guess you almost feel a buzz but only if they're like fresh stems where theres like weed residue on it but i don't think it would get you fucked up..but i never did it by itself always smoking right after.
i pull those shitters out of the bud then throw them away:allgood: anyways this probly only works with primo weed. i cant immagine there being a full bowl of keif from just an amount of stems.
Thats an interesting idea. I may have to try it. I've never had a dry period though. I'll do it anyway cause I have a shit load of stems and seeds I've saved up over a few years.
I have heard that it works neveractually tried it though I might now and slim dog SPREAD YOUR SEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude, I make about 20 big hits of hash out of a 1 quart jar of stems, figure it takes 4 hits to get you ripped, thats 5 sessions of schmokin for free! Waterhash, like the pic below
Stems are good to add to your cannabutter. You can put just about anything in cannabutter and it wont hurt.
Yeah I ask all my friends for shake. Half to shake down for kief and half to turn resin in some iso. Most of the time I can get big bags of shake for free.

My grinder has a built in kief catch and press to boot. So yeah, I have kind of been doing this unwittingly for a while now.
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