Sausage, egg, cheese, marijuana. Mmmm. [photos]

William Holden

New Member
Ok, I have a new way of using my weed now. Cooking!

Im experimenting, so this may not work, but i'll let you know in an hour or so how I feel ;)

Anyways, here are the photos. It looks not good, but it doesnt taste bad at all. I can taste the marijuana, and it actually adds to it. I dont know, but here are the photos:


I broke up that nug. It isnt the best weed, but it does the job damn well. I almost DIDNT buy any of it, because it wasnt the normal shit I get, and it looked worse than what im used to. I honestly think that it gets me higher than my normal shit, so thats good.

I never said it was going to look good.


I'll let you know how it all goes, I HAVENT smoked at all, and I havent had anything to eat today besides a cheeseburger, and a pudding pack. So i've been starving all day, empty stomach. I'll let you know how it goes.
I wonder if the cheese was fat-free....

Because, no fat in the cheese, nothing for the THC to be absorbed in right?

Its been an hour, and im not stonedddddddddddd. I'll wait 30 minutes and then strike a bowl.
I dont care, i'll smoke a bowl.

Last time I ate weed, I slept, then woke up FUCKED UP a couple hours later or something, it was fucking INSANE.

I was shooting for that.
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