Sarah Silverman Gets High With a Little Help From Her Friends

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Sarah Silverman needs a little extra help cracking a smile these day…or helping others crack a smile. The comedienne, who recently split from boyfriend of five years, Jimmy Kimmel, reportedly indulged in a bit of marijuana smoking in order to help deal with the pressures of performing stand-up about the break-up.

According to The National Enquirer, last month Silverman broke down with nerves only moments before she was due to appear on stage at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in Hollywood, Calif. A source spoke to the tabloid about Silverman’s behavior, saying, “Sarah thought telling jokes about her breakup would be a walk in the park, but she was struck with a case of the jitters so severe she didn’t know if she’d be able to go on…Sarah went to a comedian friend and told him she desperately needed some pot to calm her nerves.” Apparently the old-fashioned trick of counting to ten slowly just doesn’t do it for Sarah Silverman’s nerves.

Seems that the pot did the trick. The source continued, “Sarah pulled it together on stage. Her timing was dead on and the audience responded well to the new material, which did include a few bittersweet reflections on her breakup.”

So what do we learn? There’s nothing to help us share our “bittersweet reflections,” like a few hits of an illegal substance.

The news that Sarah Silverman smokes pot isn’t exactly revelatory. According to The National Enquirer, Silverman has previously admitted that she enjoys lighting up in social settings and that she enjoys “eating pot brownies.”

We wonder if one of the hardest parts about breaking-up with Jimmy Kimmel will be missing those happy times the couple shared in the kitchen, baking…with drugs.

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Source: Actress
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What a perfect example of what we are fighting for! If weed helps you it should be your right to choose to use it or not. If we could only shut down the PAC contributions and make our representatives rely only on there salary while in office perhaps it would ground them, so to speak. As long as we allow them to accept legal bribes from large corporations then large corporations will rule our land. Our rights will forever take a back seat to profits.
Corporations will not allow a weed, that anyone can grow, replace billions in profits for there particular industry! Look at the fight in Calif. It has been voted legal many people say it helps what ails them and our Fed boys will still go in the state and put you in jail. It is simple as long as we allow PACs to give what equates to legal bribery to our representatives they will continue to support the PACs and enslave us as part of doing business. I know I am old but can’t anyone else see this connection?
Is anyone else pissed off and ready to fight to restore our rights to choose for ourselves or are we all sheep? I feel it is time for all the drug reform sites to join together and start marching in the streets to stop these illegal acts against us as free Americans. I am ready are you?
hah, so true. brings it all into perspective doesn't it? you can give a kid with a peanut allergy an epi shot, which might kill them, and give synthetic opia*** to cancer paitents, but you cant give them non-addictive cannabis to help with the pain. plain and simple, wtf. :thedoubletake::smokin:

i gotta go smoke a bowl...
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