SAFER Pushing To Legalize Marijuana Statewide


New Member
The group that successfully passed an initiative that legalized small amounts of marijuana in Denver is trying to do the same statewide.

Safer Alternatives for Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER), has already gathered the required 68,000 signatures of registered voters to put the bill on the November ballot.

"The people in Denver made it very loud and very clear that they do not want adults punished simply for making the rational, safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol in this city," said Mason Tvert, SAFER's campaign director.

Their plan would make it legal to use or possess marijuana in quantities of 1 ounce or less. The pot could only be used in private, and it would still be illegal if the person was under 21.

"It's certainly going to cause more problems," said Mitch Morrisey, Denver's district attorney. "The kinds of crimes that go along with it, not just the use, the sale of it and those types of things."

Morrisey doesn't believe the bill will be passed and said today's marijuana is anything but harmless after talking to many drug addicts at treatment centers.

"Every single one of them told us that they started by using marijuana," Morrisey said. "So anybody that tries to tell anybody that this is not a gateway drug that leads to other drugs, that we have huge problems within our society, they're kidding you."

SAFER is using the same strategy that won in Denver which is the idea that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and people are going to use both.

"This is really about educating the public about the fact that marijuana is a less harmful drug than alcohol, and that it makes no sense to have laws that push people towards using the more harmful of the two," Tvert said.

"The marijuana today is much more potent," Morrisey said. "It has a big impact on the individuals who smoke it, and anybody who believes that we'll have a safer state because you can possess marijuana and smoke it, I think is smoking a bit too much of their own product."

If SAFER gets the bill passed statewide, Colorado would be the first in the country to legalize marijuana
"This is really about educating the public about the fact that marijuana is a less harmful drug than alcohol, and that it makes no sense to have laws that push people towards using the more harmful of the two." - Terry Jessup - SAFER Pushing To Legalize Marijuana Statewide
Reporter Terry Jessup
This Mitch Morrisey guy is pissing me off.
First of all, the Gateway Theory is crap. Just because I've ridden a bike before I've ridden a motorcycle doesn't mean that riding bikes caused me to ride motorcycles. If there is any causal role, then it is because marijuana is only available on the illegal market, a consequence of its illegality, not of the substance itself.
So what if its more potent? (Which is not an established fact yet, regardless of what he tells you). Pot smokers auto-titriate thus wheras smokers in the sixties would smoke several joints, nowadays a bowl or less will do, making increased potency a BENEFIT because of the decreased damage on your lungs.
God this guy is pissing me off. I wish I could just talk to him.
Wow Big Step Forward
Makes me almost want to move there... when im 21. Maybe Ill just go to Alaska.

I wouldn't want to talk to him... buzz kill, man.
i signed up to start collecting signatures for the statewide thing. The impressive part to me is that the guy who started SAFER is only 23. Go him!
Riddle me this…

I started drinking long before I ever even thought about smoking marijuana, as did almost all of my friends…
Now I can’t state this for certain, but amongst my circle of friends, we drank and smoked cig’s for over a year before trying pot, wouldn’t this state that in a situation such as mine, the tobacco and alcohol were the “gateway Drug” and led me to weed, but this is where it takes a slight twist for the propaganda the media wants us to think, after smoking pot I completely stopped drinking and smoking cig’s…
Now instead of waking up with headaches, and not being able to breath very well, I wake up feeling great, I used to have severe asthma, now I use my inhaler maybe 3-4 times a month, like maybe once a week….

I don’t know who this guy is talking to saying that weed is more potent today either, My dad was a hardcore hippie, he always talk shit on the weed nowadays, always telling me how his Thai Sticks, or real Acapulco Gold was the best…

Yea I’m high…

Much love for all my fellow heads out there….
You young People that think Pot in the 60ies.Was weaker than the stuff today,well your (WRONG)It all depended on where you where got it::peace:
There's always going to be ingorant people like that morrisey guy. but the fact they are getting this far, this fast, is amazing, and it shows that we can all help do it too and actually make a difference. Even if it doesn't pass, the general public is starting to think differently about marijuana because people like that Safer guy are educating them. That's what people need because so many people trust the government and believe it's something bad.
Tell me who hasn't smoked pot?? AND for others that may have been the first drug they ever tried...but how can you blame Marijuana for someone sniffing up cocaine or shooting up heroin?? I just don't get it....Reminds me of how my moma blames me for how my sister acts...and I've been out of the house for about 8 years.....What the fuck ever if it makes you feel better to blame Marijuana for the way the weak have become "strung out" on various different drugs...SO BE IT!!! But, I HOPE one day you will come the realization that majority of the people who smoke pot, may have tried other drugs....but that has NOTHING to do with Marijuana...that has to do with the weak minded fucks who allowed themselves to become slaves to the drug!!!!!
Stop the blame AND
toke it to the brain';)
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