Rust spots appear on the leaves, which is what happens?


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Another leaf nitrogen deficiency seems to be right?
i think is calcium deficiency

Could well be ca-calcium def ?

Normally assoicated with coco coir, soft water or RO water use.
My soil configuration is: coconut brick+pumice+humic acid+vermicompost

Mmm coir brick ah... not sure if that is treated before pressing & would be inclined to use Ca-calcium, Mg-magnesium supplement just to be on the safe side when dealing with coco coir.
Fuzzy, is sphagnum peat moss susceptible to cal/mag deficiencies since it is also a soilless medium like coco coir, or is it just coco coir that can have this issue?

Well its just coco coir which has the problems with sodium content i believe as coco tree's are mainly growing around coastal regions, its the salt which mess's with Ca/Mg uptake.

So most good named brands should of treated their coir by washing/soaking/washing etc

Brick coir may have to be washed tho... !

Sphagnum peat moss ah... if grown in 100% sphag peat with out amendments for PH, well its more likely a PH problem even tho peat moss below the value of PH 5 are known to be Ca-calcium deficient !
I'm planning on using the peat with perlite, vermiculite and a wetting agent, but was curious as to how it and coco coir compared. Thanks for the explanation, I now know why coco coir has the cal/mag issues and why it doesn't necessarily apply to other soiless mediums. I will keep an eye on pH, now that I have a functioning pH meter, JIC it does become an issue during my next grow.
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