Well-Known Member
Anyone have any problems with coco coir and runoff being out of range? All the scientists of coco who I have seen speak on run off suggest that the ru off should be within .5ph of what u put in . And if it's more than 6.5ph expect some iron lockout which is what I have seen recently . People saybp disregard ru off ph but now I'm seeing why it shouldn't be ignored. I did a slurry test on the coco also at the roootzone and it was 7+ exactly same reading as the ru off ph . Could it be a bad batch of coco that has aged too much and hav3 too much decaying coco in it causing a higher ph buffer to occur ? I tested a sample of some oth3r coco hygen coco coir lite and put some nutrients through it and check3d runofff and it came out only. 1 high3r than inflow ph . So I'm guessing there is some kind of problem with the coco itself causing an abnormally high ph buff3r basically neutral.
Anyone else experience this problem?
Anyone else experience this problem?