Rotten egg smell from run off water?


Well-Known Member
Okay I’ll get straight to it! I am growing under a 600w hps which is currently adjusted to 400w, I have different age clones , 3 being around 8 weeks and the other 2 are 4 weeks ish. Growing in coco. Had a pest problem recently so I have been using some horticultural soapy spray. Not my issue though but I put some sand on top of the coco as I read it somewhere and thought it would help.
And the past week I can’t recall if it’s before I added sand on top of the coco but I am getting a nasty run off smell like rotten eggs from every single run off tray from every plant, just wanted some help as to how to deal with this? My big plants get around 1.5L & the small ones 1L I feed using the canna range, a & b, Rhizotonic and calmag and Epsom salt. Any help would be much appreciated !
I think with the egg smell its a bacteria build up that maybe causing root rot? Was the sand pure and bought from a store or sourced from roads or beaches, It might have brought in some unwanted salts and minerals or bad bacteria?
Sometimes it can take a day or longer before a new message gets noticed.

But, I did do a google search using the key words:
why does my soil smell like rotten eggs

and a common result was gardeners suggesting something is going wrong in the soil. In your case coco coir. You could try doing a similar research session but substitute coco coir for soil in the key words.

I do not grow in coco coir. And, I do not know why you put sand on top of the coco so my thoughts are that eventually someone who uses sand like that or someone who grows in coco will happen along.

Good luck.
I think with the egg smell its a bacteria build up that maybe causing root rot? Was the sand pure and bought from a store or sourced from roads or beaches, It might have brought in some unwanted salts and minerals or bad bacteria?
The sand was pure , bought from a store Child friendly and all that, should I remove the soil ? It’s just a nasty egg smell from the run off I can’t actually smell it from the coco itself, I know it’s an issue but do not what, what can I do?
Good idea I think. If you have a problem with fungus mites probably better to use yellow sticky traps if you can. Be careful with your PH too, the sand could have altered the PH of the coco.
Yeah thanks I’ve already stuck up a couple of sticky traps & I’ve got some neem oil handy have been using soapy spray , seem ok now but smell was still there today in run off so I removed as much sand as I could from coco, would it be an idea to add another layer of coco?
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