Roots into Resevoir


New Member
My roots are going, they are everywhere, and they have stretched down from my dutch leaf setup, and are now into my resevoir. They have clogged up my dutchleaf drain, and are causing it to overfill. Can I trim the roots? will it destroy my plants if I do? I have 4 plants per dutchleaf tray, and I just know...the roots are all intertwined with each I still able to transplant them, or do I just have to let them do as they do. These plants are my mothers...and this is my first setup. Some of the plants are being grown over, and are not getting the right light. UGH !..what I mess I made...but, who would of ever thought that this...

would of turned into this....(and this isnt even a recent picture..its bigger)

Hmmm....I can see I should of put a little more thought and planning into my mothers.
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