Root rot or GHE micro?


New Member
I think i have problems with my roots :)

Strain - Sativa Durban Poison (feminized)
# of Plants - 1
Grow Type - Hydro
Grow Stage - Veg
Setup - Bubbler
Light - 250 Watt HPS
Nutrients - General Hydronponics
Medium - Lavarock
PPM - ?
PH - 6
RH - 30% to 45%
Box Temperature - 80 to 88
Solution Temperature - 76 to 79
Room Square Footage - 3 square feet (0.25m2)
Pests - None Known

My roots gets light brown color.
day 12:

High res

and 12 hours later:

High res

plant day 13



more photos here:
Durban Poison in the Bubbler - First Grow

This is root rot or this is only GHE micro? (i changed solution one day before this happen, and i put more ghe micro than previous)
They don't smell.
All sugestion appreciated.

looks like nute discoloration. You may want to try some hygrozyme in you res and it will do wonders with your roots.
yeah they just looked stained. root rot looks a lot funkier than that! and smells even funkier!
Thanks all for input.
It seems it's just nute stain.
After two days there are no bad small and plant is still growing fast :)
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