Root riot without tray


420 Member
Hei I just started with some seeds, I bought the root riot 100 packet but it came without a tray. Thought ill germinate without the tray as the plugs sit up by themselves. Now what im wondering is the taproot growing out from the bottom of the plug. Is that a problem? Should I prune? Should I plant into a bigger pot? Im pretty sure the plugs have more potential to grow bigger seedlings but its kind of weird with the taproot just hanging out there lol.
Any help much appreciated im new in this. Cheers !
That's what tap roots do, drill down to anchor the plant and send out secondary roots. You need to transplant as soon as possible. Be very careful not to damage the tap root, as that will likely kill your seedling.
Hei I just started with some seeds, I bought the root riot 100 packet but it came without a tray. Thought ill germinate without the tray as the plugs sit up by themselves. Now what im wondering is the taproot growing out from the bottom of the plug. Is that a problem? Should I prune? Should I plant into a bigger pot? Im pretty sure the plugs have more potential to grow bigger seedlings but its kind of weird with the taproot just hanging out there lol.
Any help much appreciated im new in this. Cheers !
Now that you have a plant started move on to the next step. What did you have planned? Are you going into a larger pot with real soil in it? Or, are you going to put into a larger pot that is going to be part of a water or hydroponic style method of growing. It is not really weird with the tap root hanging out there, that is the way it is supposed to be.

@Old Salt is on track. That tap root is important at this stage. The plant will only grow one "tap" root but will grow all the storage roots, feeder roots and hair roots it needs when the time is right. It will grow all these other roots from the new tap root and most of those will be from the end that is showing. Cut or break it off now and it is not going to grow back. And, the plant will be stunted or slowed down by weeks while it struggles to grow the other roots out from the portion of the tap root that is left. Later in the growing phase it could be broken or cut and the plant still survive but right now it is more important than the true leaves that have not even started to show judging by the photo.

@Erki, take a bit of time to look around some of the other msgs to find photos of tap roots that others have taken. It will be easy to find enough pictures to show what the tap root and the other roots look like during the first couple of weeks of growth. The best photos will be from those who are growing in a water culture. Some of the people that are growing in a soil will also have photos they took after carefully removing the plants from the pot. You will be able to see what a potted plant's roots will look like.

If you have not considered what to do after the seed sprouted then it is time for some intensive research. You might even find that looking up some of what to do in transplanting is just as much fun as doing the growing.

Have a good day.
This is just about the best introduction to root systems I've found. Don't be thrown off by the focus on trees. Everything is applicable to cannabis as well.

Ye I was anticipating something along the lines on the pic before i transplant.

Im assuming its because im missing the tray. Altho even if i had the tray and the mainroot anchors itself in the bottom, woultnd it later hinder the growth after transplanting as the mainroot is already curved and entangled? Anyway I have quite a few like these, transplanted some of them and will wait with others until i see sideroots coming out aswell. Anyway thanks for the involvement and quick replies!
Ye I was anticipating something along the lines on the pic before i transplant.

Im assuming its because im missing the tray. Altho even if i had the tray and the mainroot anchors itself in the bottom, woultnd it later hinder the growth after transplanting as the mainroot is already curved and entangled? Anyway I have quite a few like these, transplanted some of them and will wait with others until i see sideroots coming out aswell. Anyway thanks for the involvement and quick replies!

When the roots grow out like that they are very vulnerable to damage when transplanting that will set back your plant dramatically.
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