Romulin x Blueberry


Well-Known Member
If Bought
Strain (Name): RomulinXBlueberry (organic)
Location: Berkeley PCC
Price: US$55 for eighth (I think..) (pretty stupid right now..)
Taste: Yummy
High: Very indica
Appearance: pretty
Texture (Dense/Airy/etc...): dense
Smell: incredible
Overall: frigging eh!
Additional Comments: frigging eh again! Good indica for pain and spasms. This med is non-functional.
:smokin: nice

edit: I put the pics on here.


PaRaLyZeD-420 said:
hey man sounds like a good medical strain, may be I'll give it a try next grow.

Mr. P420, I thought so too. I've had the pleasure of enjoying on an individual basis, both great.. when combined.. a wacky Indica through and through.

Using a portable vapor pipe I got in the mail today. I love it.. no smoke, (no coughing), portable and I can drop it as many times as needed and it still keeps ticking!
Matter of fact.. excuse me.. must go medicate.. :icon_cool


Yeah.. a good candidate for your med strains. :smokin:
Stoned Stoner said:
post some pics

Well, I've been working on it for about a week.. should have it together soon so I can post pics of my meds. Patience..
I have been growing a cross of this for some time now...The cross is Romberry (RomulinXBlueberry ) wich came in clone form and was crossed with a male Peak-19 resulting in RomP-19 a great cross.

This has made it's way around for some time now by breeder Marksurfs.

I had forgoten to add this before.

Strain (Name): RomulinXBlueberry (organic)
Location: Berkeley PCC
Price: US$55 for eighth (I think..)
Taste: The taste was light and it went down smooth.
High: Very indica
Appearance: loads of trichomes, looks really nice.
Texture (Dense/Airy/etc...): dense
Smell: incredible< i couldnt agree more.
Overall: very nice strain. smooth, tasty, smells really nice. kick ass high. so 9.622/10
Additional Comments: like pinch said "This med is non-functional." you just sit there high, and cool. nice and relaxing. the taste is DyNoMitE!
Thank you syko2 :) The strain made it around the world as well as to you thanks to OverGrowAmerica .com and all our friends and breeders there .....
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