

New Member
if i use rockwool for a flood and drain do i have to use drip emitters or can i get by just setting deep in clay aggerts? all help welcome:rollit:
i'm kinda confuzed, no you don't need anything for drip if its flood and drian.

flood and drain you would flood the rockwool then drain. thats all

drip would be a little drip, 3 times a day for 10 min... some say different, like 24 hour drip, it will both work.. i've tried both drip methods.
Personally, I wouldn't use the 24 hour method. Although rockwool aerates very well, unless your solution is highly aerated, your plants will get overwatered possible overnuted. Personally, for a hassle free setup, go with flood and drain.

Especially if you go organic, that shit tends to clog up your lines. Not to mention its much easier to move around plants using flood and drain without all those lines in your face. I have seen great results with both, but I think flood and drain is a tad bit easier. Those drip emitters get problematic when you get salt buildup. You have to use drip clean or use chemical and chelated ferts.

Either way is fine, 10 minutes a day 3 times a day is cool. Just see how your plant likes it and adjust as necessary!
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