River water


Active Member
I live near the Colorado river , i was wondering what anyone thought of using river water for watering ? we live in a area where septic tanks leach into the river , and a lot of boats .It is a recreation area , so you get all the other stuff . I have a friend that swears by river water , although he has been using it for a few weeks only .
does anyone have a opinion on river water ?
If the ecosystem around the area you are drawing your water from is healthy I say go for it. Look for frogs and other indicator species to tell you how toxic the environment is or isn't. You could get it tested by county ag or some other service, not too pricey.
if the water has life living in it the water cant be too bad for use. you may want to check the PH of the river water or tested for contents,it has many minerals and stuff it picked up along the way. I just use a couple of 5 gal. buckets to collect rain water off my roof .
if the water has life living in it the water cant be too bad for use. you may want to check the PH of the river water or tested for contents,it has many minerals and stuff it picked up along the way. I just use a couple of 5 gal. buckets to collect rain water off my roof .

the plants that live along the river are not weed plants. insects would devour it. not to mention parasites. plus rain run off polution. you can filter it for a price. pump and filtering system.
i did a grow w/ river water and got parasites and mites. they migrated to my soil and just destroyed my crop.
unless you thoroughly filter it. which i didnt, that will happen to the plant. lived and learned. it was a total dissapointment. i guess thats what fish and frogs etc. eat
rain water is better (although acidic.) you dont have to worry about insects too much. they will destry all your hard work and money. i agree w/ old hippie.:peace: man
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