Retired Dude's Variety Grow

Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

Sorry about all the questions, but I have another one.....

How do you deal with the nutes in your res and the water level?? I've heard of some people filling up with higher PPM nutes, then adding pure water as the water level goes down, until there running almost pure water and no nutes. I've also heard of people adding pure water one time as the water level goes down and the regular strength nutes the next time and then fresh water and back and forth like that until the PPM is very low. Then the last one I've heard was people adding the same PPM nutes back to there res each time to keep the res level up and the PPM the same.

So how do you add water and/or nutes back to your res to maintain its water level? We're running the same system, except I made my own controller instead of buying a pre-made one.
Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

Sorry about all the questions, but I have another one.....

How do you deal with the nutes in your res and the water level?? I've heard of some people filling up with higher PPM nutes, then adding pure water as the water level goes down, until there running almost pure water and no nutes. I've also heard of people adding pure water one time as the water level goes down and the regular strength nutes the next time and then fresh water and back and forth like that until the PPM is very low. Then the last one I've heard was people adding the same PPM nutes back to there res each time to keep the res level up and the PPM the same.

So how do you add water and/or nutes back to your res to maintain its water level? We're running the same system, except I made my own controller instead of buying a pre-made one.

I change my res. every 2 weeks the plants drink about half during the the cycle...I dont add water to top it off. I never have had a burn from to high ppm. I have no way of testing the PPM I just go by the health of the crop.
I look for signs of burt, the very tips of the leaves turn yellow when it's just right.:thanks:This is my 4th grow using the ebb and grow system and they have gone great no problems with food or growth, the pictures tell it all.:roorrip:
Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

It's time for late nigh Bud Porn......Drull over these ladies
Won't be long now.....




Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

Hi there OGD. I hope you don't mind a couple of newbie questions in your journal. 1st time ever grow, starting with Ebb and Grow (12). How full do you fill the res? and do you change (increase) the volume as they mature through veg and bloom? I have filled and tested and everything works great but I'm concerned my water temp is way to low (under 60), and would start that low with every res change. Do you monitor adjust water temp? Do you run 3 or 4 cycles per day and does that change?
I can only hope and dream about results as good as yours look. I am starting with clones that I'm buying. I find out tonight the four strains I get to pick from and pick up fri night!
Thanks & :peace:
Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

Sure noreastfog
Ask away...

As far as my setup I water 8 times a day for 30 minets at a time......

I dont ajust the water temp I fill it with a outside spicket even in winter....

I refill, PH and add my fertlizer every other week, and yes in bloom they feed more ....

If your res is in your grow room it should warm it up pretty fast...mine does...
Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

they look so green and beutiful cant believe they are about done , that dutch masters works well . can you use that in soil aswell? there awesome mine always yellow and fall off close to the end doesnt seem to discourage them swelling up and producing but some of my sour diesel literally drop all water leaves by 8th week. want to get my crops green all the way thru too!
Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

This is the 3rd grow using Dutch Masters Gold a and b parts....
On all 3 grows I had no leaf damage or drop all the way to harvest...
I'm Stuck on the stuff because of the results....
The only other thing I use is Cal-Mag in the blooming cycle...
Plants in bloom eat up magnesium, like nitrogen in the growth cycle......

Nuf said just check out the results.....

And heres the proof

Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

Hi there OGD. I hope you don't mind a couple of newbie questions in your journal. 1st time ever grow, starting with Ebb and Grow (12). How full do you fill the res? and do you change (increase) the volume as they mature through veg and bloom? I have filled and tested and everything works great but I'm concerned my water temp is way to low (under 60), and would start that low with every res change. Do you monitor adjust water temp? Do you run 3 or 4 cycles per day and does that change?
I can only hope and dream about results as good as yours look. I am starting with clones that I'm buying. I find out tonight the four strains I get to pick from and pick up fri night!
Thanks & :peace:

Make sure and start a journal with your grow we all like to see it.....:rollit::thanks:
Re: Oldgrowerdude's Variety Grow

Im sold they are soooooo sweet looking, very nice. im going to get some thank you .
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