Restless Legs Syndrome by Anonymous

Julie Gardener

New Member
Restless Legs Syndrome by Anonymous​

I am 31 and I have restless legs syndrome. It is a confusing condition because it is very debilitating but the cause has not been determined. My legs and arms hurt increasingly until the pain is so great that I have to move. Movement allows temporary relief. This happens at night, usually when I try to sleep. The interval between when the pain starts and when I have to move gets smaller as the night goes on, and soon I am tossing and turning all night-- until about 3:00 or 4:00, when I am so exhausted that I can't not sleep. I am wakened from sleep by the pain as well. I have had this every night for about 11 years. I have discovered that it is a common disease (12 million Americans) with varying severity (I'm more severe than most, I think). It is also a lifelong condition with no cure and often increasing severity. I have had difficulty coming to terms with it and have often wondered if it is related to stress, modern civilization, or childhood experiences.

I smoke marijuana, initially recreationally but now out of necessity. - It is the only medication I have found that provides relief from the urge to move and thus at least a chance at sleep. The surprising thing to me is that the RLS support groups refuse to address the issue of marijuana as a treatment. Rather, opiates and a huge array of pharmaceuticals are recommended and sufferers are urged to try various pills and combinations until they find what works for them-- only to have it lose its effectiveness or even increase symptoms.

Source: Comments and Observations
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