Recovery from Nute Deficiency

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Will the leaves that show any given deficiency recover when the deficiency is corrected? The best info I can relate to says I have a late stage calcium deficiency, but there are only a half dozen or so leaves affected. Will these turn back to normal? Or should I remove them? Thanks for any help on this.
The leaves won't revert back to green once the leaves show the deficiency even after you corrected it.

General rule of thumb is to remove a leaf when its 50% or more damaged.

It also kind of comes down to preference. Without pics, or info on the plants its hard to give you more than a general answer, but I hope this helps.
Thanks bill. I'm going to guess at about 25-30% discolouration, on the whole plant, maybe 5% of the leaves. It's not serious, but it looks like hell. Your info was greatly appreciated, thanks again.
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