Recommendations for a High Power Flower Light for a 2' x 4' Tent


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at replacing my Growcraft X3 flower light that's in my 2' x 4' tent. It's the "2020" version and I want to replace it with a high powered light, prefererably a flower light. The 2024 New Mars Hydro SP 3000R Red LED Grow Light is a candidate and I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's using one.

I'm open to other lights, as well, and am considering the Vipar G4500 (better PPFD map) or the SE4500 (better spectrum).

My goal is to be able to get an even light cast of 1100µmol± with high percentage red photons and yet be able to keep the flower tops under 78°.

My thinking is that to accomplish that, the replacement light will fit in a 2' x 4' tent, will have a very uniform PPFD map, a dismountable driver, a very high percentage of red (660) in the spectrum, and will be able to deliver 1100µmol to the canopy from a hang height of >=18".

I'd appreciate recommendations for lights that have those features.

The PPFD map on the SP 3000R has a hot spot so I would consider using 2 of them or, since I have a "Version 1" SP 3000, I've considered running the SP 3000R next to my SP3000.

I've considered using the Terraform, as well, which would allow me to continue to use my X3 but the X3 does have significant PPFD drop at the ends, especially compared to the performance of the Vipar.

I appreciate any ideas about this.


a custom diy build would probably be the best. look into diy strip rigs.

if you don't go custom then stick with a strip rig architecture.
a custom diy build would probably be the best. look into diy strip rigs.

if you don't go custom then stick with a strip rig architecture.
"strip rigs" -

When I Google LED strip lights, I get hits for lower powered lights.

Do you mean LED bar lights? I've looked at all the usual suspects and only Mars is offering a flower light.
"strip rigs" -

When I Google LED strip lights, I get hits for lower powered lights.

Do you mean LED bar lights? I've looked at all the usual suspects and only Mars is offering a flower light.

more like a ks series.
The KS lights from Vipar and the XS 1500 Pro have the spectrum shown here. I think that's the standard 301H spectrum and it's low in 660nm.


This is the spectrum of the light I'm looking to replace:

kinda why i recommended the diy as you can set your k mix yourself for which ever part of the spectrum you want to target.
viparspectra xs4000. It will just fit inside a 2x4 blasting the whole area with bright even light. Don't waste your time messing around with multiple lights when 1 can cover the entire area. Not quite as far on the red spectrum as you want, but maybe you just get a set of supplemental red light bars?
Screenshot 2024-08-17 143255.png
viparspectra xs4000. It will just fit inside a 2x4 blasting the whole area with bright even light. Don't waste your time messing around with multiple lights when 1 can cover the entire area. Not quite as far on the red spectrum as you want, but maybe you just get a set of supplemental red light bars?
Screenshot 2024-08-17 143255.png

The XS line are board lights. The drivers are not dismountable and board lights are inherently hot. The PPFD map shows dramatic falloff as soon as you move off center and the spectrum contains as much blue as it does red.

It does have some far red in it, which is nice, but the high % of blue and PPFD map are nowhere near the Vipar 4500 and the Vipar. The XS400 is only 11" wide so I could fit two in the tent but that won't get me around the uneven PPFD map in that, if I can get 1100µmols in the center, I'm getting <500 on the ends. That's far below what the 4500 generates and significantly lower than the light I've got now.


This is the PPFD map of my current light. I can get 1061 in then center and that will give me 760 on the edges. I'm looking for a light that will give me lots of red photons and a PPFD of 1100± in the center and as close as I can get to 1100 on the edges.

The Vipar 4500 has a great PPFD map but nowhere near the amount of red photons that I want.

mars has been offering supplemental ir and far red recently. not a bad idea if it can be done in budget.
I've looked into those and Vipar is offering similar lights. They even have a pair that draw 80 watts from that wall. If they were more powerful, that would boost the amount of red but at only 80 watts they can't generate a lot of light.

The Mars SP 3000 R is a "flower" light. It's about $250 and it generates a lot of light. The thing I don't like about it is that the PPFD map shows a hot spot.

Per Mars, this is a light for "supplemental greenhouse lighting" so the hot spot is intentional. And it does put out a lot of light but the PPFD values on the sides and at the end are pretty lame.


It would be great to run a pair of those but I don't even smoke anymore so do I really want to spend $550 (tax) for killer weed that I give away? My ace in the hole is that I have a Mars SP 3000 - it was my first modern LED (I had a Kind blurple back in 2017). It will get me to 1kµmol at 18" and I can run the SP3000R right beside it since the lights are only about 4" wide.

The R model doesn't have a dismountable driver but it will be at 24". Also, during my Spring grow this year, I was switching between the driver in the tent and the one outside the tent (both 330 watt drivers) and, surprise surprise, when I switched to the driver outside the tent, the temperature in the tent didn't drop.

The driver in the tent as at least a foot above the light bars and heat rises, right? The temperature at the flower tops was a function of the light from the light bars. They were running at 100°± and that was enough to put the temperature at the canopy level in the low 80's. That surprised me — I really thought that switching to a driver outside the tent would cool things off but that's not how it worked out.

Anyway, I'm thinking of pairing my three year old SP3000 with the new SP3000R but I'm just wondering is someone has found some thing hidden away in a corner of the internet.


I've looked into those and Vipar is offering similar lights. They even have a pair that draw 80 watts from that wall. If they were more powerful, that would boost the amount of red but at only 80 watts they can't generate a lot of light.

both far red and ir aren't necessarily about watts. ir penetrates like a laser with very little power and far red just kinda lays on the top of the canopy no matter how hard you push it.

you wanna shoot for a comfy exposure at an economic pace.

The Mars SP 3000 R is a "flower" light. It's about $250 and it generates a lot of light. The thing I don't like about it is that the PPFD map shows a hot spot.

they are always gonna be there. kind of another reason to look into supplemental as you can place them where you like for coverage.

Per Mars, this is a light for "supplemental greenhouse lighting" so the hot spot is intentional. And it does put out a lot of light but the PPFD values on the sides and at the end are pretty lame.

It would be great to run a pair of those but I don't even smoke anymore so do I really want to spend $550 (tax) for killer weed that I give away?

you know you're addicted to the hobby lol .. :cheesygrinsmiley:
you've applied so many advanced techniques i doubt you'd be interested in average.

My ace in the hole is that I have a Mars SP 3000 - it was my first modern LED (I had a Kind blurple back in 2017). It will get me to 1kµmol at 18" and I can run the SP3000R right beside it since the lights are only about 4" wide.

always thought mars ran kinda hot. they aren't the only ones. cheaper drivers are the main culprit. railing the driver up for penetration also is a hallmark of cheaper rigs, and doesn't leave much headroom on a dimmer.

The R model doesn't have a dismountable driver but it will be at 24". Also, during my Spring grow this year, I was switching between the driver in the tent and the one outside the tent (both 330 watt drivers) and, surprise surprise, when I switched to the driver outside the tent, the temperature in the tent didn't drop.

mighta just been the outside air temp equalizing to the tent.

The driver in the tent as at least a foot above the light bars and heat rises, right? The temperature at the flower tops was a function of the light from the light bars. They were running at 100°± and that was enough to put the temperature at the canopy level in the low 80's. That surprised me — I really thought that switching to a driver outside the tent would cool things off but that's not how it worked out.

air movement to outdoor is often the best way.

That's worth looking into.

careful if you go down the diy rabbit hole.

at one point it was cheaper to build a rig and you would get a far better one doing so.
costing has changed to the point where it's near better to buy even if the overall quality and longevity is less.

once you know how to build one you'll never look at a commercial rig the same though.
The XS line are board lights. The drivers are not dismountable and board lights are inherently hot. The PPFD map shows dramatic falloff as soon as you move off center and the spectrum contains as much blue as it does red.

It does have some far red in it, which is nice, but the high % of blue and PPFD map are nowhere near the Vipar 4500 and the Vipar. The XS400 is only 11" wide so I could fit two in the tent but that won't get me around the uneven PPFD map in that, if I can get 1100µmols in the center, I'm getting <500 on the ends. That's far below what the 4500 generates and significantly lower than the light I've got now.


This is the PPFD map of my current light. I can get 1061 in then center and that will give me 760 on the edges. I'm looking for a light that will give me lots of red photons and a PPFD of 1100± in the center and as close as I can get to 1100 on the edges.

The Vipar 4500 has a great PPFD map but nowhere near the amount of red photons that I want.

Weird I dismounted the driver on mine and put it outside the tent. The Vipar map is of a 5x3 and the growcraft is a 2x4, I expect the growcraft will have similar dropoff over a larger area.

Sounds like you are looking for a higher end light that won't be available on Amazon or from a sponsor here. They are out there. Maybe a HLG 320 Rspec FR?

Best of luck friend.
Weird I dismounted the driver on mine and put it outside the tent. The Vipar map is of a 5x3 and the growcraft is a 2x4, I expect the growcraft will have similar dropoff over a larger area.

Sounds like you are looking for a higher end light that won't be available on Amazon or from a sponsor here. They are out there. Maybe a HLG 320 Rspec FR?
I didn't see that you could dismount the driver. Thank you for pointing that out.

The Growcraft was released in 2020 so it could be a 2019 design and it shows.

The Vipar has the PPFD but I really want something with more red in it and that's why the Mars is attractive.

Best of luck friend.
Thank you.

Late to the party but 😆

First let me say the par map of your current setup looks Just Fine !

And that G4500 would be over the top ;)

I'm in the process of moving from a 600 MH/HPS in a 42" parabolic reflector to an equivalent LED bar light.

I am getting more than acceptable results so started my LED bar light search using the par map of the 600w light.

With four plants in a roughly 4 x 4 enclosure this the map for a 2 x 2 space...

66w HPS at 24 inches height in one quarter.JPG

For me, 600 par in the corners with a new light would be Sufficient !

Some of the research I did suggests 32 par/sq. ft. is an adequate amount of light without Needing CO2, etc.

Your corners are in the high 7-800's......

BTW > I don't count the corner itself, I move up a square !

Seems more real to me...

I'd like to hear more about your growing methods/style, height of the tent, fans, Medium/food, etc.

How many plants ?

Can you rotate them ? That's what I have to do with my HOT SPOT light :yahoo:

And that Terraform unit ? Yup 🤤


Late to the party but 😆

First let me say the par map of your current setup looks Just Fine !

And that G4500 would be over the top ;)

I'm in the process of moving from a 600 MH/HPS in a 42" parabolic reflector to an equivalent LED bar light.

I am getting more than acceptable results so started my LED bar light search using the par map of the 600w light.

With four plants in a roughly 4 x 4 enclosure this the map for a 2 x 2 space...

66w HPS at 24 inches height in one quarter.JPG

For me, 600 par in the corners with a new light would be Sufficient !

Some of the research I did suggests 32 par/sq. ft. is an adequate amount of light without Needing CO2, etc.

Your corners are in the high 7-800's......

BTW > I don't count the corner itself, I move up a square !

Seems more real to me...

I'd like to hear more about your growing methods/style, height of the tent, fans, Medium/food, etc.

How many plants ?

Can you rotate them ? That's what I have to do with my HOT SPOT light :yahoo:

And that Terraform unit ? Yup 🤤


If you're getting the results you want, that's what matters

I was able to get really good results with the Growcraft but I'm changing how I grow and I'd prefer to use a light with a higher output.

re. Some of the research I did suggests 32 par/sq. ft. is an adequate amount of light without Needing CO2, etc."
30 watts/sq ft will get a light that you can use to get a good crop. No question about it. Migro lights are pretty much in that range and they appear to be doing a good business.

How many plants? I started growing three and that didn't work out because they just got too big so I've cut it back to one but I can't fill a 2' x 4' tent with one plant so my next grow will be 2 plants.

The equipment list is on the first page of my grow journals. And grow method is pretty simple - adequate amounts of nutrients, given them as much light as possible, remove small branches that have only larfy buds, remove nothing but damaged or sick leaves, and LTFA.

The big change for me will be to get temps at flower tops <78° after the second week of flower. I've historically grown with temps in the low 80's and then trying to stay at 80'ish in flower but that is changed. Now it's 80-85 until week two of flower and then <78 and lower for the remainder of the grow.

That's why I want a big light. I can hang it at 24", which will keep heat away from the flower tops, and still get 1kµmol on the canopy.The only way to accomplish that that I can find is to either build my own light, use a Vipar 4500, or use a Mars SP3000R along with the SP3000 that I rarely use. I haven't decided what lights I'll use for this grow but I won't be getting into flower for another couple of months so I don't need to make a decision yet.

That's the game plan so we'll see how it works out.
I'm looking at replacing my Growcraft X3 flower light that's in my 2' x 4' tent. It's the "2020" version and I want to replace it with a high powered light, prefererably a flower light. The 2024 New Mars Hydro SP 3000R Red LED Grow Light is a candidate and I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's using one.

I'm open to other lights, as well, and am considering the Vipar G4500 (better PPFD map) or the SE4500 (better spectrum).

My goal is to be able to get an even light cast of 1100µmol± with high percentage red photons and yet be able to keep the flower tops under 78°.

My thinking is that to accomplish that, the replacement light will fit in a 2' x 4' tent, will have a very uniform PPFD map, a dismountable driver, a very high percentage of red (660) in the spectrum, and will be able to deliver 1100µmol to the canopy from a hang height of >=18".

I'd appreciate recommendations for lights that have those features.

The PPFD map on the SP 3000R has a hot spot so I would consider using 2 of them or, since I have a "Version 1" SP 3000, I've considered running the SP 3000R next to my SP3000.

I've considered using the Terraform, as well, which would allow me to continue to use my X3 but the X3 does have significant PPFD drop at the ends, especially compared to the performance of the Vipar.

I appreciate any ideas about this.



have you considered an Atreum Hydra 3200?
have you considered an Atreum Hydra 3200?
Yes. I'm familiar with the light. It's a good light, no question about that but it's dated. I think I first came across with when I was active on the network autoflowers (2022). The PPFD is good and the PPFD map is pretty even but I'm looking for very high light output so I can get 1kµmol on the canopy with a hang height of 16 to 18". The Atrium doesn't have the oomph to do that. It's similar to my Growcraft in that respect. Good equipment in its day but technology is relentless.

Interestingly, Spider Farmer has revamped their SE and G 4500 model lights (they're not from Vipar) and the new driver is a 320 watt driver vs the 430 watt in the previous model. Just yesterday, I noticed that they had new graphics in their product page and when I checked the PPFD map, the new values are quite a bit lower. I wrote an entry in my latest grow journal about it.

They have changed the spectrum in the new models so there's a lot more red in the spectrum but the loss of PPFD is unfortunate. If anyone is interested in the old light, they might still be in the channel. One reseller site states that the new ones won't be out until 9/24 so my thinking is that if a reseller has them in stock, they might be the older, far more powerful model.
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