Recess Is Over - Now To Muck Up The Lesson

Has me thinking angry, they from here, not a big place and the growing scene even smaller. I've always said I'm just as happy with the "bag seed" I've grown over the years than with these weird genetics I'm buying from "breeders".. I'm only doing it really for the social aspect on here. To grow what other can/are. All the 'bag seed' is just local seed from local grown buds. There would have to be friends/associates that got thousands to grow out, spread the word etc. and actual breeders at that.. Mmmmm. Maybe back to some old mates to get their outdoor seeds..
I'm basically bald.. Actually got my daughter to give me a hair cut yesterday. Forgot about it, then went and got milk couple hours later.. Looked like I had mange, bald with tufts of whispy hair :rofl:
I get down on forums cause Aussies don't know this shit. We feel inferior because we don't really have that wank filled scene. We grow hydro or bush and smoke ganja/weed or dope. We don't smoke pineapple wank bag #27.. Isn't it strange though that those who helped make it so, come from a totally different scene than the coffee shop one..
I was looking into the Monsanto thing, why I posted. But hopefully people see names and look at the history..

I guess if we're on here, we should know.. I reckon it's cool; my new found hobby was once dominated by aussies!! Take that again, Rest Of The World!!
Yeah, when I was a kid smoking, I (eventually) heard of Skunk and Northern Lights and AK47, WW or whatever... but not sure if I ever smoked any at first. Probably a lot of sativa bush-weed bagseed got popped indoors over here in the late 80's when folk discovered hydro.. When proper "Hydro" started getting around here, it was strange and smelly and strong and 'chemically'. My mates and me thought it must be imported.. Then, I think MOST of what was getting sold on the street was probably one of the above strains (an opinion based on info I just read!), once the growers realized what hydro meant for turn-over..we even started asking for "Hydro" over "Bushy".. Mostly cos the bush I always seemed to end up with was mostly seeds and stem.. And the hydge was always dank!! Cool stuff..
That's just it, where did those seeds come from? Do you guys have yor own strain from way back?
We do here, but no one tells you WHAT it is. It is always it is "local" ( which could mean, your normal, yet bought from a seed bank,strain or actual Cretan weed. Which has heritage from the 70's, (and boy I want those seeds)
Hey do you know what this strain would be called I'm from Australia and we don't really have names for our weed Iv been growing this outdoor for a while then started doing 12/12 what do you reckon it could be an when can I harvest
I wouldn't have a clue mate.. From that photo is sativa hybrid with about 35 days to go... I could be out on everything I just said :rofl: welcome anyways man.. Get a photo up of all of her.. Looking healthy..
We have bush weed that gets wild in areas,mullimbimby madness, Cape tribulation sativa. Ducks foot apparently was breed here but from o/s genetics I think..
I got seeds from friends here that been growing the same stuff for over 30 years...
Northern lights was the first strain, maybe the only one, except every stinky bud being sold as skunk.. About 91-92 when we got northern lights, and it was a big deal because it was bluish. Got us smashed but at that time, two fan leafs and a stem would have got me stoned :rofl:
That's just it, where did those seeds come from? Do you guys have yor own strain from way back?
We do here, but no one tells you WHAT it is. It is always it is "local" ( which could mean, your normal, yet bought from a seed bank,strain or actual Cretan weed. Which has heritage from the 70's, (and boy I want those seeds)

Grizz will know about this but our local bushy is bred from sativas, probably Thai or African or crosses of what ever would grow here Tropical/Sub-tropical/temperate... I'm sure I was asking Grizz about this not that long ago.. And I'm sure he told me. I just can't remember now..!
Thai and png.. would make most sense... Be good to know what landraces indo has... i haven't looked into its uses amongst the traditional owners here, what if any history there is...
Forgot about PNG.. Had some stuff up north once that the guy swore was the best 'PNG Gold' or whatever...
I remember coughing a lot...
Indo would be interesting. Maybe like Thai..
Aceh is Indo landrace..
yeah right... who the hell is getting those seeds out of indo, lol
Did they have a little r in a circle next to that :rofl::rofl: Papua New Guinea
So America getting a heap new genetics or smugglers? :rofl:
A little from column A; a little from column B..
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