Recent Bud Shots

S Girl (Hash Bud Plant)


Lower bud of S Girl


Dried lower bud of S Girl ... deep hash flavor with a piney undertone. Yum


S2 Girl daughter of S Girl


I Squat top (spicy commercial indica)


I Squat plant

I4 Girl is pissed! I forgot her on the original OP

She made me start a post just for her.

Her sisters are drying they turned hermie and would have filled out more but I have S2 that I want to square so they were pulled early ... instant daytime meds. One is lemony (major hermie) while the other has a deeper smell that makes you want to try it (mostly girl only showing 1 dang bannana)

Here is I4 she is filling out nice ... still all girl but I am watching!

Nice nugs there Buck, just caught up on your clone thread, very nice. The jiffy pellets kinda made me cringe a little but if you have success with them, f**k it, more power to ya.

Thanks Cali

Yeah I know "jiffy pellets" I got some in the cheap ass container I bought for the clones. I am now doing bigger older clones right into soil. I miss the jiffy pellets though and plan to go back to them... maybe we'll see how the four I have going now will do

Thanks again
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