Ready to harvest?


New Member
Hello 420Mag

Am i'm ready to harvest my plant? it's a autoflowering and i'm one of the newbies here... :D

Here's some pics...



I know it have some small buds, But since it my first time i'm okay with it

Looks good and welcome to the site!!

The best way to tell when its the proper time for harvest is by checking the trichome colors. As they mature and become more potent, they will change from clear to cloudy and then to an amber color. Most people want to harvest when there is mix of cloudy and amber. More cloudy = a more energetic high and more amber = a more couchlock type of effect.

You can check trichomes with a cheap jewelers loupe, a macro lens for smart phones, or a USB digital microscope. The latter 2 options make it easy for you to capture pictures and then analyse them later, or post them here for 2nd, 3rd or 50th opinions.

I like to harvest my plants based on the strain. Sativa's I harvest early with only about 10% cloudy so it remains a very energetic heady type of high, while an Indica I will let go til it's about 50% amber for a high couchlock effect.

Everyone has their preference and the more you grow, the more you will find yours.

:thumb: :goodluck:
Welcome mate and congratulations. Id be letting it stay for 7 more days mate. Still plenty of white or clear hairs there mate. Let them get to 85% orange then its time. As long as the hairs dont shrivel up and go burnt looking you fine.
You done better than my first auto mate.

Thanks! Awesome Site...

I will wait some more days and, see what happens. Should i just harvest the plant if more and more hairs begins to shrivel up and are looking burnt?

How about just harvesting the tops of the crowns now and giving the light a chance to get the lower part. I think its to soon to harvest the plant. May miss out on great pot and instead just average.
Its worth the wait.

Can you take a picture of the whole plant? You can tell by the leafs when it's time to cut. Sometimes autos can't be trusted by the thricomes.
Hello 420Mag

Am i'm ready to harvest my plant? it's a autoflowering and i'm one of the newbies here... :D

Here's some pics...



I know it have some small buds, But since it my first time i'm okay with it

Far to much green.


This is when your close. Your plant will start to yellow on its own when it's close.


Auto's will yellow two when close. I'd say you are two weeks out at least.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
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