lol, harvest your budded plant, leave the 2 bottem buds and floliage on. spray the leaves and use mild veg nutes. leave under 18/6 and hopefully it starts growing again.
isnt your grown room mad small Zeke.. if so just surious .. would it even be worth revegin... because the yeild of what u have isnt going to be that big ... because didnt u say your keepin it like 2 feet.. well anyways i think when u reveg it it cuts the yeild in half and doesnt yeild as much as the first time.. dunno it just might be worth starting from seedlings when u harvest
i didnt think it was that tall that thing that u have it in looked like it was liike waist high... thanks smokey yeah i wasnt 100% sure so i thouhg i would word it so i didnt know lol... but yeah i forgot where i heard it from but i thought i yeilded less. also when u reveg dont u trim the roots or something (not sure once again)becuase if u keep it in the same pot the roots well get even longer and get root bound