Rare situations where you need to flip autos to 12/12


Well-Known Member
Regards to all,, Im on autos that are in flower,all seems okay they are on 18/6 light. But some bug entered in my brain where I think that at least my gorilla cookies is just stretching and doesnt want to enter a full flower cycle,bud sites are here for almost two weeks now but barely any progress on them, it looks like the plant only wants to stretch, last two days it strecthed for at least 2 inches,it was time for drastic measures to tie down tallest branches to tent construction te remove it from the light.

My question is should I flip to like 14/10 light cycle,or even 12/12 ( dont want to loose to much DLI cause Im on 100w led) under powered for that big of a plant.

I grow in a smallish space too, and I've tried bending tops over/supercropping etc and don't like any of those methods
After stretch I just cut the tops off just above a node/bud site to give me an even canopy of lower sites
Yeah, I know I'll lose a bit of yield but those secondary buds can produce virtually as much
Don't think reducing DLI is a good idea
I grow in a smallish space too, and I've tried bending tops over/supercropping etc and don't like any of those methods
After stretch I just cut the tops off just above a node/bud site to give me an even canopy of lower sites
Yeah, I know I'll lose a bit of yield but those secondary buds can produce virtually as much
Don't think reducing DLI is a good idea
THat sound great,if it opens up space for lowering light, you think Autos want be stunted by cutting tallest sites off?
THat sound great,if it opens up space for lowering light, you think Autos want be stunted by cutting tallest sites off?
Not really, any loss is offset by a more efficient canopy
I can show you a side-by side if you're keen to see because I cut the top off one of my Frosted Guava Autos currently in the tent
Another benefit for me is that it reduces the risk of mould because you haven't got one huge central cola
Not really, any loss is offset by a more efficient canopy
I can show you a side-by side if you're keen to see because I cut the top off one of my Frosted Guava Autos currently in the tent
Another benefit for me is that it reduces the risk of mould because you haven't got one huge central cola
Ill be glad to see it, in my case I want have one big cola but those two branches are taller for like 2,3 inches then the rest . I did removed them now to the sides so they are further from the light,but not sure how much it will stretch, and that plant is really really responsive... i moved branches to the side this morning and they already bent them selfs upwords like few hours later, I cant believe it. I think this is my healthiest plant ever heh
So, what you are trying to stop is what some auto growers actually try to achieve in their grows.
Having an auto sit and stretch in preflower is a gift.
While many autos won’t ever stretch at all and will give much disappointment, yours is doing the opposite and growing as big as it can during the only time it can.
Personally I would never cut back light on an auto. You may find that would cause it to stretch even more and at the same time you’re robbing it of an opportunity for the flowers to reach their full potential, even if they aren’t showing there yet.
If it’s purely space constraints, bend it. Cut it if you need to but I wouldn’t unless you want it to stay this way even longer.
Autos have a short life and every move they make has to do with the previous move.
I don’t flush and I NEVER try to rush flowering
So, what you are trying to stop is what some auto growers actually try to achieve in their grows.
Having an auto sit and stretch in preflower is a gift.
While many autos won’t ever stretch at all and will give much disappointment, yours is doing the opposite and growing as big as it can during the only time it can.
Personally I would never cut back light on an auto. You may find that would cause it to stretch even more and at the same time you’re robbing it of an opportunity for the flowers to reach their full potential, even if they aren’t showing there yet.
If it’s purely space constraints, bend it. Cut it if you need to but I wouldn’t unless you want it to stay this way even longer.
Autos have a short life and every move they make has to do with the previous move.
I don’t flush and I NEVER try to rush flowering
This is great anwser and in some way it compliments me, even if its to the plant itself not to mine growing abillity heh. And you are right when I rethink on my previous auto grows they didnt get that big even close to that..
if anything go the opposite and run 20/4 to speed them up. if you have a reluctant auto sometimes a day of dark will kick them into gear if they don't wanna preflower, but go right back to 18/6 or 20/4 after.
Seems like great advice, I will wait for another week to be sure that Im not rushing it,maybe this gorilla cookies is just monster that needs time,only problem is that monster doesnt understand its in a 2x2 hehe... blue dream next to it is came to focus on flowering as from my readings on it,it stoped to stretch and started to focus on buds
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