Rapid Clear Detox and will I pass?


New Member
Was clued in I might have a "random" test as early as mid next week....

The big question: has anyone used Rapid Clear detox drink personally and have reviews on it?

And the "will I pass" question...here's the situation...

1. It's been 5 days since I smoked a few hits at a concert

2. Two weekends before that I smoked about 1/8 on vacation

3. Was/have been clean between/before (couple months)/since the above passions

4. I'm 5'7, 170#

5. Planning on exercising everyday and changing to a leafy/low fat diet until the test (optimistically if my schedule allows)

What do you think my odds are? Think I could pass anyway? Worth taking the detox just in case?

Thanks for any solid input!
Thanks for the advice--unfortunately I won't be able to know when the test is so I can't switch to red meats etc--does that matter?

Can you tell me more specifics about the Rapid Clear? My understanding is that it's not dilution but that it stops (correct me if I'm off a bit here) or blocks the metabolites for the 4-5 hour period after you drink it. Or is it a scam? I only ask specifically about Rapid Clear because it's from 513--the same guys that do Quick Fix synthetic urine so they same legit?
I'd go buy a home THC test kit. You sound young, relatively physically fit, and by your own description ... not a frequent heavy smoker. You may find yourself already testing clean. If not, I have used substitution many times successfully.

P.S. those test kits are rather cheap in the USA. As low as $10.00 - $15.00 some places. Most pharmacies will have them for purchase without a prescription.
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