Raids Ignore Public Will

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
There is something very puzzling about yet another raid on a medical marijuana facility, this time in Troy. If there is something that links all of these instances, it is the so-called reasons for the raids themselves.

Police and sheriff officials claim they are only enforcing the law. We are scratching our heads on that one, because they are offering a double message to the public. First, they say the law is unclear — and it is. Second, they say they are only enforcing what's on the books.

That begs the question: How can law enforcement officials enforce a law that no one understands, and that some say may be illegal in itself?

If law enforcement officials are trying to prove a point with raids from Ferndale to Waterford, the only thing they are accomplishing is a lot of heartache in those who could benefit from the drug.

Correction: There is something else they are accomplishing, namely provoking the ire of the majority of Michigan voters, including those in most South Oakland communities, who voted in favor of permitting the use of medical marijuana in 2008. They must be scratching their heads, too — and lawmakers better watch on whom the dandruff falls.

It's just one more instance of an overlord government trying to tell people what's good for them. Where is the Tea Party on this one?

While the Berkley City Council is split on the issue, in Ferndale, progressive steps have been taken to facilitate the operation of grow facilities.

Certainly there are those who abuse the voter-granted premise of medical marijuana use. And some just go looking for trouble, which they are likely to find from some law enforcement officials.

Most everyone agrees that the real problem is with the way the Legislature wrote the law that implements what voters approved. With the swing toward conservative Republicans in last week's election, it's unlikely that much will be done about it, which could leave voters tearing their hair out.

There's nothing worse than a lawmaker who carries to Lansing a personal agenda, instead of a public mandate. Nothing, that is, unless maybe you consider law enforcement officials who seem intent on taking the law into their own hands.

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE
Copyright: 2010
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