I live in N.Y. State and got raided yesterday . I had 5 plants growing outside of my house in the country . They were nothing huge by any means . 3 of the plants were no more than 1-2 ft tall , the other 2 were a little bigger (enclosed pic.) I have been reading conflicting stats on what I may be looking at criminally . The cops said that I am looking at a felony , possibly a class E . This was for personal use only for my wife and I . No scales were found or anything to point towards sales . I spoke with my attorney briefly about this and he hasnt got back to me yet . ( no-one will fight for your freedom as hard as You do ) . Some things I read states that cultivation is as serious as sales . Others say it is just a misdemeaner . Honestly I am worried . I have no priors for this at all , although I do have 2 prior prison bids for other crap . My name is not on the lease , just my wifes is ,and my wife wants to say that they are hers . Nice but I do not want her to go to jail . My wife was not charged at all what-so-ever . The plants were just starting to bud , and maybe 5 ft tall . Can someone please give me some advice and/or help as to where to look for accurate info. on N.Y State marijuanna laws . What is the difference between growing and cultivation ? Or is it just a play on words ? PLEASE HELP ! Thanx ! Having a hard time uploading photos . sorry .