quick question and great news


New Member
How many states have decriminalized medical marijuana to this date?

I was looking at NORML's website and the page with all the states that have decrim, said was to be last updated in 2004, and had only 14 states recognized.

if you are able to answer this for me i thankyou very much. me and my dad were wondering. (i finally opened up to him) hopefully we'll light up some time but who knows, right now its just general talking about it
I think 13, which is the 14th I'm missing?

Alaska, Maine, Mississippi, Nebraska, California, New York, Colorado, Oregon, Ohio, Minnesota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, & Nevada

I keep thinking Hawaii is #14 but they aren't decriminalized yet
What I mean is I always think of Hawaii as deciminalized because of the other pro cannabis laws they've passed.

They passed a medical marijuana law, have has successful passed low priority initiatives, and have refused federal funding for eradication.

But they aren't decriminalized yet.

Is there a state I missed or is it only 13 so far?
13 states have decriminalized cannabis according to NORML
Maine, New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, North Carolina, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Colorado, Alaska, California, Nevada, Orgeon
Heres the 14 that NORML have up on thier site

Alaska | California | Colorado | Hawaii | Maine | Maryland | Michigan | Montana | Nevada | New Mexico | Oregon | Rhode Island | Vermont | Washington

well atleast i know what im reading was up to date, i was disappointed for a sec, :smokin: but now im good.... thx guys
Heres the 14 that NORML have up on thier site

Alaska | California | Colorado | Hawaii | Maine | Maryland | Michigan | Montana | Nevada | New Mexico | Oregon | Rhode Island | Vermont | Washington

These are the 14 medical marijuana states.
Alaska | California | Colorado | Hawaii | Maine | Maryland | Michigan | Montana | Nevada | New Mexico | Oregon | Rhode Island | Vermont | Washington

you forgot massachusetts on that list. just passed this year. (of COURSE the year AFTER i move out of mass..... had I know I probably wouldnt have moved!!!!)
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