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New Member
Im extrememly new to making any kind of cannibutter, or food with weed in general; so new in fact that I've never done it. I live with my rents so its nearly impossible to make any of this without getting caught.

my questions are.

1) What is the stink factor when making cannibutter the standard way?
2) is there a way to make cannibutter in a microwave?
3) how much cannibutter can you make with 1.5-2 grams bud?
4) if you ate 2 grams of bud raw, would it have the same effect?

and thats it for now. I'll probably have more after I get some answers.
Making butter in your house will stink it up o yes i will. With that much bud i wouldn't even bother with making butter. Do a search on this site for firecracker its a great way to make a quick edible. It doesnt stink the house up to much either so if you had some time to air you'd be good.
K thanks, Ill look around for it.

Like, I have the downstairs to myself so stinking it up down here isnt too big of a deal, as long as the smell goes away after 6-9 hours.
k ill give it a try,

so, put peanutbutter on a cracker, make a space in the middle of the cracker for bud (ground up). Put more peanutbutter over top, then another cracker ontop of that. Wrap in foil and giv'er for 15 minutes on 200

k yeah I was thinking that a little extra oil wouldnt hurt the process.
And I've looked at a few places and came up with 200.

Thanks again.
Well, Im making them as we speak, and its on 200. I turned it up a tad higher with 10 minutes left to go (220). Ill report on how they turned out I guess.
Just did some last week.. 1/4 oz in enough oil to cover finely chopped meds and simmer at 220F for an hour.. I did mine for 3. Put coffee filter in funnel and pour into jar, let cool.. press paste with a spoon to get all oil out. Damn.. two teaspoons of that at about noon... came down maybe 9pm. Best part.. it was taco weed used expressly for this purpose.. Medicated Olive Oil. You can use it in cooking too and on salads and in drinks. Yummmy!
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