Questions about moving inside to out.


New Member
Okay heres my situation. Where i live (outback) we never get any more then probly 12 hours of light a day and with the temperatures all year being around 30 - 34 C it kinda makes life hard for growing out side with the high temps, high humidity and short sunlight times it cuases early flowering and unhealthy small weak plants. where i currently live im uable to set up an indoor grow room so my plan is to have a indoor closet set up to grow a bunch of HEALTHY seedling/clones to a certain size befor transplanting outside to flower.

I just need some input as to if this will work and how effective it would be? will the transplanting stage stunt growth or will the plants get burnt from the move? Also how much does high humidty and temperature effect plants?

Cheers for any input no matter how small.
A lot of outdoor growers start indoors then move to outside for flowering. I think the stronger and healthier you grow your plants indoors the better chance you have of surviving the harsher outdoor climate.

High humidity and heat tends to cause issues like mold so watch for that and try to stay with strains that are more mold resistant.

Cherma would be a great person to chat with he basically does the same type of grow however I don't think he has as high temps as you're looking at. He does have to battle mold issues and he works with strains that are mold resistant from what I've read.

There are products out there that claim to aid plants in stressful environments such as high heat or drought by building stronger cell walls. Look into silica based supplements like Pro-tekt.

Hope this gets you going in the right direction. Wish I could help more but I'm strictly an indoor a guy for now.
any inputs better then nothing so thanks mate. i had two females going last year they seem to be alright appart from good old spider mights and those other pest that have the milky blood and look like sea slugs, anyways those two turned out okay appart from the pests, i have had some past plants go moldy but i think its more if i keep the water of the leave i should be okay. it just took a long time for them to grow and even then they were barly 2 feet. still was proud with a first attempt witha mystery seed :)

but yeah sounds like im heading in the right direction with growing healthy veg cycle plants indoors and moving them out. heats an issue and space aswell hence indoors id be using fluros mainly cfls. just worried about the heat inside and out, guess theres really only one way to find out for sure :)

cheers for the tips about building my plants resistance ill look into it, anymore info or comments are appreaciated.
when moving from indoors to out, be sure to put the plants in a shaded place or only leave em outside for a few hours in order for them to get adjusted to the sunlight. did that once, CFLs to direct sunlight and the little plant wilted.
good luck and many pounds in your future.
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