Questions about Cloning with Rapid Rooter plugs


New Member
General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter plugs, I want to try these but have a few questions.
Has anyone ever used them?
what are the differences cloning with these versus rockwool or soil?
Same humidity dome rules?
What about watering plugs?

I used them and my clones are all turning yellow and the leaves are falling off; i looked around and i think it is because i don't have enough humidity. I only have 5 of the plugs in the tray, i took the rest out and put them in zipper bags and tossed them in the freezer. My seeds however are sprouting up like crazy. I just dropped mine in the hole.
I love them too! I push them down in the hole, what pit viper does, "cutting them open", is probably better, but I have a 100% clone rate by simply pushing them down about 1 inch.

You can use them with styrofoam trays, I have trays that fit 18 plugs, then I set the styrofoam tray in a propogation tray, fill it with about 1 inch of water(w/rooting hormone) until the styrofoam tray floats just barely. All I do after that is remove the hood once to twice a day and replenish water as it evaporates, I never even spray them, and I get a good root structure, ready to plant to soil in 7 days.

I use to use Jiffy cubes, these are WAY better.
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