Question on pollination

Re: Question on pollination..

you don't want to keep a hermie in with your other plants if its pollinated by a hermie the seeds you get from it will more than likely hermie also
as far as pollination goes before hairs start turning red
dependent on strain and flowering time
usually a male will flower before the female is done pollination occurs long before end of the cycle of the female plant
Re: Question on pollination..

Yes.. I get I don't want it to stay in the tent, its already removed. My garden design was to be perpetual, where I added some to the flower tent every couple weeks.

My question is about the recent additions that spent a little over a week in 12/12 before the hermie was discovered and removed. Are they likely to already be pollinated?
Re: Question on pollination..

HI Rapture!
Have you seen any evidence of the male flowers opening or any pollen dusted on the leaves? (the hermied plant) If the male flowers have not opened to spread the pollen you should be safe from the other plants having been "infected". LOL
I have some pics of the male progress if you would like to check them over to see what stage your plant was in when you discovered it.
It's on my blog:
The male pollen sacs...from my own grow - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®
Hope this helps. :Namaste:
Re: Question on pollination..

They are open I am afraid....

so my 9 day old plants are likely to already be infected?
Re: Question on pollination..

pollen travels far very easily get them out as soon as you can and just cross your fingers
as for me with the way my fans are blowing around it would fly all over the tent
Re: Question on pollination..

I did a selective pollination on a branch with some male pollen, it took about a week for the pistils to start turning brown and the seeds process to begin. So watch carefully for the next week around the pistils. If you want to see the seed process, click on my journal on my signature. The Adventures with pollination thread. There are some close up pics of the whole process from pollination forward to present.
Re: Question on pollination..

It's a busy place around here, so I would say until someone else says different watch the "hairs" or pistils the next couple of days. If they start to curl up or sort of withdraw inward and start turning dark that's a good sign they've been pollinated. I don't think putting them back in veg is really going to solve anything other than slow down the process or put it on hold. I'm just guessing there, but it makes sense to me. You can't really un-pollinate it. Once it's's pregnant. LOL
Cross your fingers and keep a good close watch.
Re: Question on pollination..

As you know, some strains finish a lot faster than other. I've found that at or by the halfway point of the flowering cycle the femal's ovules are developed enough to receive pollen.

Keep in mind that the residual pollen can still be viable for a week to ten days. Any work in the grow room can disturb residuals and create more fertilization.

I truly emphasize with you. I've been there and may be still in the situation.

Re: Question on pollination..

Hi Rapture :ciao:

If this was taken when you took the hermi out, then you have no problems


The male flowers don't look open.

Worst case would be a few polinated pre-flowers if they were open.
Re: Question on pollination..

Well, the bananas themselves have to open before any pollen is released.

A hermi looks different from a male flower. Males are much more efficient.

Hermies are just stressed out and confused.

I think the hermi-flowers appear suddenly, but take a while to mature and open.
Re: Question on pollination..

We shall see... The hermies are sequestered now.. they are too big to just destroy so i'll finish them and see what it does.. this is my first try so I see no reason not to practice the drying, trimming, curing stages.. :)

Also.. I have a rooted cutting from the SP before she went hermie.. I will be starting a new journal to follow that small plant as I stick it in to flower to see if it also goes hermie.. if it does I will scrap that strain.
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