Question on main lining for yield


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, so im planning on growing 36 plants topping at 2nd node and letting them stretch a little after topping, now my goal is to get at least 1oz from each plant and probably at the most 1.5oz from each, planning on vegging for 3 weeks from there first node set.

They will be in 7L pots and under 600-1000w of HPS light, i can keep my optimum conditions perfect like i always do, perfect temp, perfect hm.

It would all most be like a see of green all the same canopy height.

So do you think i could hit a 40oz target from this?

Will be growing northern lights as i know the strain pretty much inside out.
The Mainlining technique as documented by Nugbuckets or the modified version by Nebula produce eight colas per plant. That will make things more than a little crowded under your light. Topping twice instead of three times, using those techniques would probably work.

If you are trying to shorten the time spent in the vegetative stage, you are probably defeating the purpose. It would be quicker to use LST to bend the main growth tip down and foster growth of the others.

40 oz is 1120 grams. That's more than a gram per watt with a 1000W HPS. I don't think you'll reach that goal with this setup.
No if i top at 2nd node that will only allow me to have 4 colas per plant, iv got 2-3" space between each pot and wall of tent so the airflow underneath would be okay around pot lines, its not so much the veg time, i seen a youtube video a few months back but there channel has been deleted and the guy said he had yielded 45oz under a 900w led light and the colas were 4 per plant and around 2" apart from each other which made me start thinking of this, i can buy seeds in bulk and i really want to try but opinions on yield matter to me as i pay for my electricity bill and iv started making oil and substrates with it so the more yield the better for me, i would also be starting my seed of in coco pellets then soon as roots are showing straight into the 7L.

The best way to describe it is it looked exactly the same as a scrog but each plant branch were more than sturdy enough so its not as if they were falling about, so there would be 144 main colas and all lolly popped to max out top growth.
Just thinking out loud...
I just harvested a disappointing 5 oz from a 2' X 4' tent grown under what the manufacturer calls an 1800W HID equivalent. It drew 300W from the wall. I'd buy into the claim of 45 oz, if it was a great LED based light. That's 1.4 gm/w. Nine hundred watts of LED should cover from 25 to 30 sq ft for flowering. The 45 oz would then be 1-1/2 to almost 2 oz per sq ft.

I think you could achieve those yields, but it will take a lot of time to care for the plants.
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