Question on lab test..nad wheter i should do it or not


New Member
ok last sat i smoked a lil like 3 or 4 hits but they were cherries i didnt do that big of hits i didnt smoke for around 2weeks ...but anyways id be taking a lab test i dunno maybe 1 or 2 weeks but would it be ok to REALLY toke it up juss for 1 day???

for info i my weight is 135ish my height is 5 10' ish and i go to the gym everyday and take supplements that provide high blood pressure and i ahve a big would it be safe to toke it up hard for 1 day
Lab as in blood or lab as in pee?

Blood, there is nothing you can do. However, I highly doubt the testing place does it by this.

Pee, you will be fine as long as you drink a gallon of water a day for 4-5 days up to your test. You most likely don't even need to go to that extreme because you are only 135pounds, work out every day, and a high metobolic rate. Those factors alone will flush weed out of your system faster than normal.

However, never take it easy or light. Make sure you drink lots of water and if you have the money, buy a flush just in case.
Totally agree with Ishmar. And IShmar its your 420 post. Light up a bowl.:bong: :bong:
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