Question on hours of lights


Well-Known Member
Right now in the tent I have 5 autoflowers - 2 girls that are about 14-25 days from harvest and I have 3 girls that are about 2 weeks old. I would like to change my hours from 18-6 to 20-4 to speed things up for the younger girls due to time restraints that I'm looking at in February. How do I go about doing that without putting stress on plants? Should I just add the 2 hours maybe over a week? Can I do it all at once? Would it hurt to do it while the older girls are still in the tent even though their whole life they were 18-6 or should I wait till they are finished? Thanks in advance!!
With autos I'm pretty sure you can make them quicker since they are a "timed" plant by running 24-0 unlike a photo. And they can still be FUN!!! This one isn't mine but I will be mainlining one and lst and topping 2 others. I'm just hoping to speed things up a week or 2. But thank you for your input.
Dropping hours late in flower helps some photo strains to finish faster. So less hours might help but not more. Auto's respond differently then photo plants do. Raising light intensity and adding hours while in flower can cause regular females to hermie. With this in mind I wouldn't make any major changes.
I believe plants need a rest period. Weather you use 18/6 or 20/4. Pick one and stay with it for autos is best.
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