Question for everyone


Active Member
I grew this summer..

Only managed to get one female.. I had bag seed and wanted to take advantage of it..

Thing is this.. I got 1 female.. And I let her grow.. Never saw any issues.. We did have some crazy rain on and off but she still seemed to be flourishing regardless...

Time came to harvest her.. And what do I find but my girl had created seeds..

Now my question is this.. If my one female plant that had no male plants in sight created seeds from "stress".. Would that make all of the seeds females?

I've searched online and that is the impression I have gotten.. But I just wanted to see if anyone could tell me for sure..

On the plus side.. I've planted 3 seeds in my tent and the first one that I planted is a female for sure.. The other 2 aren't at that stage yet.. I'm doing a 12/12 grow just to see if my theory is correct..

Any opinions would be appreciated.. I can't really give you specifics on the weed itself.. I bought it last year in a dispensary and found like 30 seeds in it.. So that's where they came from.. It was called Santa's little helper because I bought it around Christmas time.. Lol..

Anyhow... Thanks all..
Actually.. I've already grown from these seeds before the summer.. Never had one do that.. I have a tent.. But since it was summer time.. I figured I'd grow outside..

So I don't think that's it.. But if I was sure I wouldn't be asking.. Lol
Not that I'm aware of.. But you never know.. I just thought the possibility of over water from rain or possibly being harvested too late might have been a stressor to cause it to make seeds.. Oh well.. Now I have tons of seeds to play with either way..
Then, being outside you probably picked up pollen from around you somewhere

Most likely scenario, yep! That pollen can come from a good distance too. Wind, pollinating insects, etc.
Well let's hope I get lucky with more females than males.. So far so good..

I was just hoping maybe I'd get lucky.. I've heard there are situations that all females can happen by stress.. Thought I might have done that somehow.. But I did consider the possibility of there being some other plants around that pollinated her..
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