Question about what Medicann clinic requires


New Member
I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and arthritis in my upper back and neck, and I'd like to try mmj to see if it will work better than the drugs my doctor prescribed. I've made an appointment with a Medicann clinic. They say that I need to either bring some sort of document from my doctor that says what condition I'm being treated for, or bring my prescriptions. My current prescriptions are Ultra* and Skela*in. Will it be enough to bring those to the clinic, or do I need to contact my doctor? I'm not sure that my doctor would approve of mmj.
I posted this in the California MMJ forum. I live in California. Medicann says that I can either bring my prescriptions or my medical records. My question is whether my prescriptions, Ultra* and Skela*in, will be enough, or will I also need my medical records to prove my eligibility.
Yeah, I clicked on the thread where they pop up as being the newest post in whatever forum...didn't pay attention to what subforum it was in. I did notice later that's where you were as I had posted info for a different state but then saw I was having a brain fart.

Do you not trust what your clinic is telling you to bring to get your medical permit? Did you call and ask them today? Their website explicitly states what you are supposed to bring as far as documentation if you click on the FAQ link. It says to bring written documentation that includes your your prescription bottles state what you're diagnosis is? None of mine ever have...just the drug name, dosage, quantity per bottle, when and how often to take, doctor contact info, and pharmacy info. Either call them to be absolutely positive (straight from the horses mouth is best!) or cover your butt and bring both.

Good luck!
Medicann said that I could either bring my records or my prescriptions. I assume that if someone doesn't bring records, they look at the prescriptions to verify that you have the condition that you say that you have. I'm wondering whether they will accept my diagnosis of degenerative disc disease and arthritis in my back based on my prescriptions for Ultra* and Skela*in. I used to have prescriptions for Vi**din and S*ma, but my doctor wanted to switch me to drugs that are less addictive. Ultra* and Skela*in don't work all that well, but neither did Vi**din and S*ma.

If I do need to bring records, what should I bring? Can I ask my doctor for a copy of my file? It is huge. I'm not sure how he feels about MMJ.
I am so glad you didn't take my last post the wrong way...I wasn't trying to sound like a dick but thought I might have! Sorry if I did!

I don't think Medicann would want your entire medical file. One of the clinics around my area (different state) only requires the last three visits worth of records regarding the problem but they have to be less than three years old. They even explicitly state not to bring them the whole thing. I'm surprised given the number of CA MMJ people here that nobody has chimed in with first-hand experience, wish I could help you more specifically. Try calling them Monday morning if you don't get a good response by then, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to clear up your questions.

Only needing the prescription bottles seems a bit lax to me as those drugs can be used for any number of medical conditions but they would support your diagnosed condition. That's the only reason I think that you should bring actual records with you. Medicann may even have a form you can fill out that they will fax to your doc's office and have it sent directly to them. I don't think your doctor can refuse to send them just because they aren't MMJ friendly.
The most important thing is that you are honest. Take any info that you have about your condition. Remember, they have your best interests at heart. You'll fill out a form, and they will ask you questions about your condition/illness. Just be honest and you will have no problem.

I have gotten my recommendation through medicann for several years. I have found them to be compassionate and helpful in informing about medical marijuana and how it can help you.

Best wishes, and please let us know how things went.

Peace and mmj :rollit:
I went through Medicann, its easy and simple.

If they say your prescription is enough thats fine. But yes I'd recommend getting your medical records. Just ask your doctor office for them, you dont have to say what its for. Medicann just wants proof you have some condition that is helped with cannabis.
I think I'll check medicann out next year if I don't get my state card. They sound genuine. I never brought anything. Just filled out papers and got asked a gang of questions. But they do compare ur info from previous years (at least where I go). I didn't know that till the 2nd year, but I had nothing to worry about because there was only one new condition so it was cool. The person I talked to seemed compassionate, but didn't really explain much about the benefits of the medicine. Thanks for the info again Kitty. Pretz good luck in ur search. If u tell them what u told us and have prescriptions u should be cool. Try speaking with ur doc as well, I mean do u think he'll break the Hippocratic oath because u choose alternative medicine? Some are afraid to write MMJ prescriptions for fear or reprisal fro their supervisors(mine was, but he understands and knows I don't like pills). I've also been told that some doctor's get kick backs from the pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their brand of meds (I was told by a friend who works at Kaiser here in town). Good luck on ur search. Oh yea, and welcome to the forums.
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