Question about curing room


New Member
I harvested a plant a week ago and I hungs the buds on a string in a spare room. I had a fan on, and the window cracked, but in 4 days I check on it and its extremely dry. The buds weight almost nothing. At this point what can I do to redeem this plant. Also, can somebody give me the ideal set up so that it doesn't dry out to quick. I have a bedroom with two windows. What can I do for future crops? Keep the windows open with an exhaust fan and just make sure the room temp is maintained at around 76 degrees? The room is heated though and its getting to the point that it almost needs to be on. Thanks for the help.
Everything you need to know about this is located somewhere in this site. Go to the Grow Room and look under How to Grow and then look for Harvest and Curing. "LUDACRIS" explains things very well there. Good Luck
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