Pros & Vets Share Your Foliar Feeding Tips


Well-Known Member
As the title states this thread is for tips on foliar feeding. I am asking for myself but I think a lot of new growers could benefit from this thread.

Which foliar feed do you use, and which if any do you stay away from?

What do the pros here think about Spray and Grow?

Do you start with full strength right from the start or work your way up?

How often do you spray?

Do you apply generously or sparingly?

How long after germination/rooting (for clones) do you wait before you start to spray?

What time of day do you spray?

Do you usually spray water after to keep from burning your plants?

Do you spray the underside and tops of the leaves or just the underside/tops?

Do you spray to correct a problem like not enough nutes, low on a certain nute, or just as a extra feed for the plant?

Thanks for the general info. Now I would like to get your opinion on my situation. My brother gave me a seedling and he said it was a few days older then mine, but its taking off like a weed compared to my other biggest plant. I have a lot of plants that are seedlings planted in the same reservoir. Because of this I have the nute levels very low. About 250 ppm. I am considering giving my big girl a foliar feeding because the level of my nute solution is so low. I am attaching a picture below. What do you guys think?

Here is a pic from 2 days ago of the plant in question. She has more leaves now. Her 3rd and 4th set of real leaves are getting big. I believe thats called her 3rd and 4th nodes but not sure.

I'm no pro on the subject, but I can share a bit of experience.
I started with a 1/4 mix of my normal nute mix. I burnt my babies with that mix and sunburnt some by applying in the sun.
You shouldn't have sunburning issues under the LED's, but I'd start with a SUPER light mix. Maybe even as low as 1/16th. Apply once, and give it 2 or 3 days to be sure you don't see any damage.

I applied my mix generously all over the tops and bottoms of all the leaves.

I considered this, however Most of the sprays say to only use up to the 2-3 week of flowering. Now if you ask me the last 5 -6 weeks of flowering is when you would need a nutrient or light boosting source!

No point in boosting during veg in IMO, you can veg a plant under very mild conditions.
Not sure if I'm in the right thread but is nutrient foliar feeding (mist/spraying), healthy plants going to increase production and health of cannabis plants?
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