Proposed Law Would Bring Medical Marijuana Dispensaries To Santa Monica

The General

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California - Santa Monica has shunned the idea of medical marijuana dispensaries for years, but a proposed ordinance might change that.A new ordinance has been drafted that would allow two dispensaries to begin operations next year near hospitals. If the Santa Monica City Council passes the proposed law, dispensaries would be allowed to operate only within healthcare districts near UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica and St. John's Health Center.

Under the ordinance, dispensaries would not be allowed within 500 feet of schools, parks, daycare centers and libraries. The City Council has been divided on the issue in the past, with the mayor having said that the city doesn't need dispensaries because so many are readily available less than a mile away in Venice. Advocates are also planning a ballot measure to make marijuana legal statewide.


News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Ted Chen and Andrew Lopez
Contact: About Us | NBC Southern California
Website: Proposed Law Would Bring Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to Santa Monica | NBC Southern California
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