Probo Drug test in 3 days


New Member
Okay, so my boyfriend is currently on probation, he hasn't smoked in about a month, however he took his first drug test on Wednesday and unfortunately failed with flying colors. How im not sure, but he did. My question to you guys is, is there any way in hell he can pass this test on monday ( currently friday ) with any home remedies that will not be harmful. Because bless his heart we heard from some friends that drinking apple cider vinegar could help after a few shots/ cups of consumption. but he tried that tonight and is throwing up and burning from the throat down to the tummy. We saw some ideas with b12 and other various concoctions im just very skeptical and i dont want him to be in any pain while trying to get clean in the process. Now obviously the best way to pass is not smoke, we are just at a loss because its been roughly 4-5 weeks with nothing. ANY HELP and ALL HELP is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
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