Problem with some leaves

31 days


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Loppers are what we use when we harvest OR cut down males.

Was just messing with ya. A few off leaves are not much to worry about.

You will get the hang of it. If my plants aren't loosing leaves I've done something wrong actually.

See the plant in the middle there with yellow leaves. That's about perfect for her age, she's ripe for the harvest. The plant in the front right was in VEG too long and has yellow leaves from that. They are all gone now and she's flowering & 6' tall as are all the other plants! Woot!

She's liking the bondage-looking good,GS !
Nutrients day!!!
Gorilla: 1300ml water Ph: 6,8 Tnt: 3ml/1l, Root complex: 3ml/1l, Powerzym 1,5ml/1l, Supervit:1/4d/1l.
Peyote: 1300ml water Ph: 6,8 Tnt: 3ml/1l, Root complex: 3ml/1l, Powerzym 1,5ml/1l, Supervit:1/4d/1l.


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Good evening my friends. I made defoliation because the girls were drowning. The gorilla is smaller in size while its more days. Because this? Do you want to be born?
Is it because INDICA go faster?
I've been thinking about turning the lights on 12/12.
Help me please!!!


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