Problem with my three week old seedling


Active Member
Hi I am new to growing. This is my first attempt at a indoor grow. I am approximately three weeks in and haven’t had any major problems until the other day. I noticed a little black spot on one of the leave of one of my plants. I didn’t think much about it. The next day it starting spreading and has now consumed most of the lower leaves. It has also spread to 75% of my plants.

I think it may be some sort of fungal infection or maybe mites?

I don’t think it is nutrient deficiency or toxicity.

My grow tent stays around 70-75 degrees with 30-60% humidity. I have two 1000 W Bestva LED lights on them. They draw approx 185 watts from wall each. So I guess 370 true watts. The lights are approximately 14 inches above top of plants so I don’t think it’s light burn either.

The soil looks wet as I just finished watering them. The last water was 4 days ago. I water until approx 5-10 % drain out bottom and wait until the top feels dry. The soil I use is High Porosity Pro Mix.

Does anyone have a idea what might be causing this? The photos I have included are of two of my plants. One of them is the one that first started showing signs and the other is what the average plant looks like now.

I ordered Safers Brand 3 in 1 garden spray. It is designed to Kill Fungal infections and Mites. Does anyone think this will solve the problem?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you


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What you watering them? Just pH water at what level pH /nutes? And when you water or u catching the effected leafs by any chance ?
What you watering them? Just pH water at what level pH /nutes? And when you water or u catching the effected leafs by any chance ?

Hi Dani,
I am giving water PHed to 6.5. I have given it some nutes but a very minor amount. Last water was the first time it started just before that. I am using general hydroponics Flora trio. I am giving approximately 5% of what is recommended for week one.
The soil should have enough nutrients for a month and a half so I don’t think it’s nutrient deficiency and I doubt it’s nutrient burn as I am giving such a small amount.

When I water I make sure to put directly into the soil. If any water gets on the leaves I tap them so the water falls off.
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