If you have a Blue Lab Truncheon EC Meter, they work perfectly to check the EC on SIP Buckets using the GroBucket inserts.
I use the Milwaukee version of the truncheon. They call theirs a "Nutrient Stick."
The feeding tube is plenty big enough for the stick to fit in there.
With a 3.5 gallon bucket, there are a couple inches of truncheon sticking out. I would think that you would need the lanyard on the 5-gallon buckets.
I use the Milwaukee version of the truncheon. They call theirs a "Nutrient Stick."
The feeding tube is plenty big enough for the stick to fit in there.
With a 3.5 gallon bucket, there are a couple inches of truncheon sticking out. I would think that you would need the lanyard on the 5-gallon buckets.